Women of Reddit, what do y’all deem “Needy” When talking to a man who you’re interested in?

  1. It’s not a particular action. “Needy” is when you do something that shows your interested, the other party doesn’t reciprocate, and then you do something further that shows your interest. That’s “needy”.

    Ex. Asking a girl out isn’t needy. Asking a girl out, she giving you the “I’m busy” line and then you keep asking her out over and over is.

    See the difference?

  2. Well staying in contact too much. I was told I was needy because I loved talk everyday…not for hours, just everyday🤷🏼‍♀️ And complimenting them.

  3. I am a guy, but I think “needy” term applies for any person, no matter what gender.

    In my opinion “needy” means being someone seeking for constant validation from other person. They chase for relationship just to be validated. They chase, even if get rejected. They are like “pick me, be with me, help me, talk with me”.

    Searching for constant attention, having converstaion and trying to enforce being 24/7 together while forgetting about own life and errands to do.

  4. Not having your own life, insisting when it’s not warranted, showing interest when it’s not reciprocated, etc. all these are valid.

    Another thing would be making yourself someone’s center of attention. I’ve had relationships with guys who were like this, but also friendships with girls [I am a heterosexual woman] who were excessively needy as in tried to *make me prioritize their own lives and issues* over mine. WTF no. That is the worst type of needy, second only to insisting with showing interest to someone who said no or showed they aren’t interested.

  5. Hmm I would say being needy is being selfish. It’s prioritising my own needs over someone else’s, often to their detriment. Needing constant attention despite knowing my partner is busy. Needing constant validation without any attempt at self soothing. Sometimes even the nicest, most securely attached people can be needy, eg during times of immense stress. Neediness of an episodic nature isn’t an issue. When it’s constant and draining, that’s often an indication of immaturity and the inability to be thoughtful.

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