So this woman I’m seeing now (26m) (28f) for the past two months never seems to invite me to her place. She flats with all girls and I flat with all guys. We’ve been on multiple dates and we usually always come to my place for a movie and all that comes with it at least once a week. But I’ve noticed that when she suggests coming around for a movie or to hang out. It’s never at her place. I know she gets on really well with all the girls she flats with. So I’m beginning to wonder if she doesn’t want me meeting them for some unknown reason. Could I be overthinking this or is this somewhat normal?

  1. You could just ask her!

    It could be that maybe she’s embarrassed about where she lives or they’re slobs. Or she has self esteem issues and worry that you might find her friends more attractive. Who knows!

  2. when i lived with a bunch of girls, there was was rule of no bringing boyfriends or any thing of that nature over. it depends on her and the girls she lives with.

  3. A lot of girls would rather go over to the guys place in this situation. Girls don’t like roommates boyfriends over, generally ask more questions, etc . Just easier to go to the guys place

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