This woman on tiktok was making videos about how no one wanted to date her cause of her size, I messaged her on insta and after talking for a bit she seemed interested, she sent a follow request and I accepted and when she saw the pics on my profile she instantly blocked me. But yet she still makes videos about how no one wants to date her cause of size despite me asking her out and her blocking me after seeing my face

  1. Reminds me of a post on Reddit a while ago. A guy was complaining that all the beautiful ladies don’t respond to him because he was ugly. Someone asked why doesn’t he consider other ladies and his answer was “Why would I talk to the ugly women?”

    The irony just…

  2. Believe it or not, even unattractive people have standards, some even higher than their more attractive partners, that’s the way it is, haven’t you seen most of the couples in your local supermarket, isn’t one usually more attractive than the other? that’s what I noticed, this woman complains that none of those who she physically likes is into her, that’s all, move on and don’t repeat the same mistake.

  3. This is an easy one. She viewed your pictures and was not attracted to you. She thinks that she can do better.

  4. Yeah most of the time when I see ladies that make this claim I know its bullshit. Even if you are 600 pounds there are guys out there willing to date you. Usually I find they just have extremely high and often unrealistic standards.

  5. There was some article on how obese women overwhelmingly do not want to date obese men. IMO this is a result of social media and women being flooded with attention and validation by an endless amount of thirsty dudes.

    Keep this in mind when you hear women say how there are no good men out there and nobody wants to date them. Most are way too picky and go after dudes who just pump and dump. Good men who would willingly date and commit to them sit on read in their DMs.

    EDIT: OP did not intend to demean you or say you’re obese, just trying to provide an example to support my overall point. You could be a decent-looking dude but she still thinks she can do better. My apologies!

  6. She doesn’t dig what she saw. You got rejected. That’s it. There’s nothing more to it.

    She’s just posting those videos for attention. Don’t focus on what a woman says. Focus on what they do.

    Move on. No biggie.

  7. I want to be bold and honest with you man, she didn’t find your attractive. Women are very predictable if we want someone, you guys can notice it right away. She will initiate everything

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