I’m writing from my phone and I’m not a native English speaker so sorry for grammatical errors in advance.

TLDR: I don’t know if I should wait until after graduation to break up with my boyfriend, and could really use some advice.

I’m (18, F) planning on breaking up with my boyfriend (18, M). I was kind of pressured into our relationship, when we got together I had just gotten out of a 2 year long relationship. He didn’t want to wait for us to get together even though I told him I might need some time. I am not blaming him at all and I’m well aware of that it was my mistake getting into a relationship I wasn’t ready for. We have now been dating for 6 months.

I have a lot of trauma from previous relationships and other mental health issues. Even though I don’t want to be I can see how I’m, while I’m in the headspace I’m in know, isn’t fit for a relationship. I need time to heal before I can commit to a serious relationship. Also my feelings for my boyfriend have faded, although I highly value him as a friend I’m not attracted to him and can’t picture myself in a relationship with him anymore. He needs and deserves someone who truly loves, cherish and can appreciate the love he gives. And I’m very sad that person can’t be me. He is a wonderful person and I wish him all the happiness he can get.

That’s why I want to break up int the best way possible. I’ve been set on wanting to break up for a week now and I don’t want to postpone it because that wouldn’t be fair to him. I want him to be able to look back on our relationship as a good one, not one where I had to pretend.

The hard part is that our graduation is soon. I first planned on waiting until after to break up for obvious reasons. But I don’t know if a can. Firstly he’s in my class so it would be painful for the both of us to have to graduate together. Plus I want him to be able to really celebrate his graduation. But it’s been proven harden than I thought to wait. We haven’t seen each other for about a week because I couldn’t bring myself to see him. I really love him so I know if we did I couldn’t keep it in. I struggle with depression so for the past days I haven’t been able to leave my room. This might be one of the hardest things I’ll have to do, or at least that’s how I feel right now. I feel horrible for pushing him away because I don’t want to cause him any harm. And he has notices that I’ve been blowing him off now.

I really don’t know what to do, some of my friends think I should just do it now because this isn’t fair for him. While others think I should wait until after graduation. I don’t know what to do, I feel horrible and could really need some advice.

  1. There’s no real ‘good’ time to break up with someone. Honestly if you arent feeling it every minute you’re with him is disingenuous. You might as well end it now if you arent interested in being with him.

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