Hi All!

I have booked a trip to Portugal a while ago and the flight is on Friday. At the time of booking, I was assured by a friend that you can travel with two months left on your passport so I didn’t give it much thought (i realise how stupid this was). It was only a couple of weeks ago that I was chatting with another friend and she said that you need 3 months. I checked and she’s right. I have effed up big time and im now not sure what to do. I’ve tried to get an emergency premium appointment for the past two weeks and haven’t been able to get an appointment as it seems everyone is trying to renew their passport at the same time!

I am not sure whether to risk it on Friday and pray that they let me in at the Portuguese border control or to go to the passport office tomorrow and see if I can get an in person appointment. I have also tried ringing the advice line and I can’t get through to anyone because of the high demand.

Does anyone have any advice or ideas?

Thank you!

  1. I think different airlines might require six months instead so check that too. I’d pay for faster processing rather than risk my holiday.

  2. They definitely won’t let you on without a valid passport. Go to the passport office and hope seems like your only chance (and pray you got travel insurance)

  3. They won’t let you in if your passport isn’t correct. So I’d get a new one.

    Some countries also stipulate that you can’t have an extension either, it has to have 3 months left on it from the original expiry date not the extension.

    Also, it is 3 months left from the date you return to the UK not the date you fly out.

    I think you’re probably stuffed any which way.

  4. I don’t think they’ll let you in. I plugged the details into [this link](https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/PT-Portugal-passport-visa-health-travel-document-requirements.htm) and got a “nope”. I’m not even sure you’ll be allowed on the plane, never mind being able to throw yourself on the mercy of immigration when you get there.

    Edited to add: according to the [.gov.uk site](https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/portugal/entry-requirements), you could contact the Portuguese Embassy but I’m not sure it will get you very far.

  5. You shuld be able to go to the passport office and pay a shit load of money to get it done there and then.

    Fwiw, my friend came to Amsterdam with us and his was a few weeks past the 3 month threshold, they didn’t even say anything and he came and got back fine, he was super paranoid the whole way there though

  6. Nah they won’t let you in.

    Always double check travel rules yourself regardless of what freinds and family say. They may be wrong half the time, even if they travel a lot.

  7. The rules are pretty clear with this now – you HAVE to have 3 months remaining on your passport from the date you are flying back from Portugal. Ringing advice lines or emailing people won’t change that.

    Don’t go to the airport if you can’t get a new passport before Friday.

  8. There’s a few people I know who have just sorta turned up at the passport office (Liverpool or Durham as they are the closest to Leeds) and got their passport sorted there and then. No appointment.

    Whether or not they are still letting people in to do this, I’m not 100% sure but it may be worth a try? I’m pretty sure there’s one in Peterborough too.

    Good luck!

  9. I think you’ll be exceptionally lucky to be allowed into Portugal.

    From https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/portugal/entry-requirements:

    > Your passport must be:

    > * Issued less than 10 years before the date you enter the country (check the ‘date of issue’)

    > * valid for at least 3 months after the day you plan to leave (check the ‘expiry date’)

    I think you should get booked in on the [Online Premium](https://www.gov.uk/get-a-passport-urgently/online-premium-service) renewal service ASAP. Appointment availability is very spotty so keep trying.

  10. Your first friend is an idiot, but then again you’re the one who took the word of an idiot. The current rules have been the normal rules for non-EU countries for decades. There’s a chance no one will notice, but not a good one. Keep trying to get an appointment. There’s a chance you’ll get one, but not a good one.

  11. It can be done very rapidly if you get a in person appointment but if you don’t, I’d sack the holiday off totally, you may get someone whose easy going but you leave yourself open to being totally fucked

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