FB and IG are so fake. People are so narcissistic…look at me eat, look at me on vacation, look at what I’m doing and how I’m living my best life…All these through filtered lenses. Can’t take it anymore, the fake happiness so I quit. It’s okay to brag once in a while and occassional pictures here and there but my goodness you don’t have to post every single second of life. Thank you Reddit being so real.

  1. You get that on reddit too, just easier to avoid it as it all separated into it own little subs.

  2. I quit in 2017 for the same reason but it doesn’t mean it’ll go away. You just won’t see it. But you have to accept that it’s a part of society.

  3. Welcome my friend! I quit IG and FB years ago for the same reasons. I’ve never been better

  4. That same content is right here on reddit too, if you subscribe to it. And if you had unsubscribed from it on Facebook or Instagram, you would no longer have seen it there.

    On every social media platform, you control what you see.

  5. I just mute that kind of people, if there was not a mute option I would just close my account

  6. Running away from the problem won’t solve anything. You will still get triggered by people bragging, narcissistic people are everywhere. Might as well give up on society in general, right?

    You need to get to the root of why it’s bothering you of you want to truly become free.

  7. Every app is who you add. My feed was mostly just friends posting updates of their weather, pets and plants for each other.

    That said I totally support anybody who feels like it’s time to quit social media. I personally found that I prefer to ask my friends directly how their weather pets and plants are doing.

  8. Reddit real? You are hilarious. You get that shit on any social media. You know you could just have unfriended or unfollowed the people that you didn’t like?

    You just know how to filter stuff better on Reddit that’s all.

    I personally never minded people being happy and posting nice pictures on social medias.

  9. I realized social media was better without people I know in real life because I know the story behind them. I know they’re not as happy as they portray or as popular, etc etc.

    You just gotta develop a filter and be selective about who you share your online presence with from both a consumer and a producer perspective

  10. Any social media platform is bad. Reddit is worse because people hide behind anonamity. For example, one could say that you are narcassistic by thinking you are too good to be on Facebook and Instagram and that they are not worth your time. It’s all a matter of perspective. One could also say that you made this post to farm karma since you know it’s a popular topic on reddit. Furthermore, it’s rather hypocritical and self righteous to bash other social media platforms when reddit is just as bad if not worse. The karma system promotes toxicity and elitism. Various subreddits are guilty of brigaiding and worse. There are tons of really bad subreddits out there.

  11. >look at me eat, look at me on vacation, look at what I’m doing and how I’m living my best life

    Why are you annoyed? you can simply mute them or restrict receiving any notifications from them, I do that myself with people who I want to follow but don’t want to continue seeing their 100 stories.

    >an’t take it anymore, the fake happiness so I quit.

    Why do you let their happy moments bother you? how can you decide if they are really happy or being fake? That isn’t your job and feel better in your life to eventually be happier. If you open up like this to anyone in person then you will be labelled toxic.

  12. Buddy, that is just the internet as a whole. You can see that in the useless discussion between people online where it doesn’t matter to get to an agreement, it is who “wins” the discussion.

  13. Lol. What’s really bothering you? You really can’t be this bothered that you felt the need to come to Reddit to tell strangers that you quit FB and IG. That’s a little odd. Well, I hope whatever’s really bothering you gets resolved. Take care!

  14. Honestly it’s tricky for me since I have friends on both that I message. Ended up just going ‘add my WhatsApp and message me there’ and removed all social media (apart from this shit lol).

    Much happier

  15. I dont think they’re narcissistic… people just choose to share the highpoints of their life on other social media. Try to find better people to follow social media is what you make it🤷‍♀️

  16. I might be a minority here but I kind of feel like I follow my friends on those platforms and I’m happy to see what they are up to. I’m like yes girl that burger looks amazing ohhh you are at the beach go get your vaycay on! Ah you must feel pretty today because you posted a selfie and that makes me happy for you!! It keeps me up to date on their lives too so I have specific things to follow up with and ask them about when I see them next – how was your trip? The food looked so good! Etc.

    BUT on the flip side I do feel self conscious about posting too much stuff like that from my end, like it might be perceived as too self-congratulatory, so clearly you have a point if I’m filtering myself with that same thought in mind of being afraid of bragging. Social media is weird!!

  17. i’m a lil confused as to why posting pics of vacation and food makes you fake? sorry lol

  18. People who get upset about social media are rationalizing their own discontent. If you have a healthy relationship with your self worth you don’t get upset by other people being, or pretending to be, happy.

  19. Honestly me too, I did it more so for my mental health. Seeing others “living their best life” just made me feel shit about my own. I found myself doom scrolling constantly and comparing myself to others rather than focusing on the positive things in my life. There’s better way to spend your time, now I journal more and go to therapy to help myself. I check in on social media every now and then to see any big updates but honestly I feel so much better without it.

  20. I quite enjoy it because i wanna know what my friends and family are up to, and it’s nice to see people enjoying themselves and having fun. It’s sort of like a photo book that you can share good and happy memories. I’m happy that my friends are happy, and the places and restaurants they go to and the food they eat are great ideas for me to go to in the future. I love looking at pics of my friends kids and the fun they’re having, and when they share their achievements it inspires me to work harder and do better myself.

    If FB and IG are making you feel bad then it’s a good step to quit. But perhaps consider that it might be your inner world that needs to change, that you need to work on your insecurities and jealousy as well.

  21. I quit social media years ago, so I might be out of the loop, but I don’t see what’s wrong with just following your friends. Like if you’re truly friends with someone, wouldn’t you want to see what they post? If you unfollow all the people you don’t actually care about, I think it’ll be a lot better instead of throwing the whole thing out. I feel like I’m missing out by not seeing what my friends are posting, but for me social media was just too distracting so I left. However, do what you think is best for you. Instagram is definitely fake, and I wish more people would quit it to be honest.

  22. I mean, it’s called social media for a reason. I promise I’m not trying to be mean (I’m the nicest redhead ever lol) but that’s what it’s for. Posting memories. And for food snobs, food. I will say. These damn filters on women are getting out of hand. I don’t even recognize these people in real life bc I’m so used to seeing them with fake ass filters. That I’ll agree with 💯. But as far as “bragging “… I think for most people it’s more of posting memories and sharing life. If I go on a yacht sunset dinner with my girls, u bet your ass we are taking the cutest pictures and posting them… if I eat some fancy fish (etc) it’s getting posted bc I’m a food porn snob. I love food and making dishes very presentable. Not even close to a show off though. I hate attention in real life. Lol but love it when people like my “filet of lamb with horseradish purée “ pics hahaha I just made that up but whatever, u get the point. Maybe u should view it differently than, “showing off “ and see it as living life and sharing experiences! I don’t live a fake life on social media. So if me and my bf are fighting, I’m definitely no the one to make lovey post about us. That’s fake. But sharing life experiences is fun. And I love to see what Jenny is eating at brunch bc I might want that too lol 😂

  23. I have fun doing what I do on Social Media. It depends on how each person uses it. If they’re happy, they’re doing something right. If they’re continuing to be depressed and put their drama there, then there’s is something wrong happening. Quitting Social Media for your Mental Health is the right thing, because there’s also so much wrong.

  24. I actually deleted my social media accounts last week. Two main reasons: 1. I’m a recovering addict and alcoholic that bartended for over a decade. Alot of people I know are still part of the night life way of living. 2. Feeling like I’m trailing behind everyone else and then comparing my life to theirs is really hard for my depression and motivation. It makes me initially want to give up.

    But, some advice for people that struggle with alcohol: you can change your ad preferences to block alcohol ads. Maybe this will help someone. Alcohol ads were a huge trigger for me.

  25. I quit mine in 2019. Haven’t activated insta, fb or twitter since then and I’d say it can get really lonely for the time being. But after some time, i get used to it! I even deleted my WhatsApp and use telegram instead (I asked my family to contact me thru telegram).

    But Reddit is not a good choice too hahahah. It’s not a good idea to differentiate all socmed bc we all know they provide different pros and cons in our lives soooooo

  26. Lol yeah especially being introverted and not going out a lot I see people having fun this weekend but who knows if they’re really having fun.

  27. I got away from FB about 4-5 years ago. I hated to in a way because of some friends and family were on there but all of the political crap, people from work wanting added on, and of course the oh look at me me me stuff. As well every time I’d buy something online, then there is an add on there for what I just bought. That was the final straw. Oh and finding myself mindlessly scrolling through it….waste of time!

  28. Reddit is not so real either and I think that you can unfollow people that brag constantly so you wont see their posts anymore. Hopefully you feel better about quiting and its not just a heat of the moment post.

  29. Yep I agree. Why I quit

    Fuck Facebook, tiktok and all that shit. It’s turning out society into narcissistic little bitches

  30. Never trust people whose entire lives have to be acknowledged by others for being superior they are usually a bunch of liars.

  31. That’s funny. I quit them years ago because they are owned by an evil company run by an evil man….. But yeah… User narcissism is a reason too.

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