Where do you carry your condoms, for maximum spontaneity?

  1. Well, I haven’t really strategized for maximum spontaneity before.

    But now that you ask, I think I’ll try keeping one up my butthole to see if that’s won’t be the best place to carry them for the purpose of this “maximum spontaneity.”

  2. I know it was a joke, but a friend put one on before going to a strip club “to save time”

  3. I wear one whenever I leave the house, just in case absolute maximum spontaneity is required

    Spoiler, it hasn’t

  4. Got snipped after the 2nd kid arrived so…. nowhere. That was 20+ years ago and never regretted the decision.

  5. When I used them… Overnight bag, Jean pocket, car console, bedside table. Basically all over the place 🤷🏻‍♂️

  6. I usually buy a new pack on the way to the date then cargo pocket. That way I know they are fresh.

  7. I just tell her to wait in the car as I go into the convenience store to buy some

  8. never carried one until i got in a long term relationship since i was never interested in ons. i still dont now unless were going on a trip.

  9. I don’t. Don’t gotta worry about it when you don’t and can’t get sex.

  10. Back in the day, a single in my wallet and a few in the dash of my car/truck.

    But i haven’t worn one since i got married.

    Helpful tip on the wallet carry though. You gotta swap it out with a fresh one every couple weeks if it doesn’t get used. And THROW AWAY the old one, don’t use it.

  11. I’m bad about having one in my wallet, but that’s generally a “last resort” condom. I keep some in my truck center console (only marginally better since the temperature fluctuations).

    Usually if I’m going out with the hopes of meeting someone (date, drinking with friends, etc) I’ll put a fresh one in a back pocket or the little watch pocket of my jeans.

    I also keep a couple in my camera backpack if I’m at an event with my camera, and will usually have one or two in my fanny pack if I’m at a rugby event.

  12. I got a special condom carrier case that I keep in my breast pocket when I’m going out. I don’t know whether it’s trashy or classy, but it keeps them protected.

  13. Is it weird that all my condoms are in my room in a poker set under the cards?

  14. I don’t. I know who I am and am not having sex with, so there’s really no need to be prepared for a random encounter.

  15. I have a little condom wallet that I carry in my front pocket (so I don’t sit on it and damage the condoms) that I’ll bring with me if there’s a decent chance I might have sex. I also make sure to always have three so I won’t run out (one for that night, one for the morning and one for a backup).

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