He (M21) and I (F18) have been together for almost 10 months and it’s been great, I feel like we really connect. We have been doing long distance for a few weeks now and it’s not easy but we try by calling and texting every day. A few days ago he was very affectionate and was communicating over text, it was almost a pleasant surprise because he usually isn’t that expressive. That same day I hang out with a gay male friend. Later that night my bf and I call and he gets a little jealous, to which I explained the friend is not a threat. The next day he’s the opposite, more distant with a few sporadic texts. The same thing happened the day after, so I gave him space. He texts me he misses me but other than that it’s the same behavior. Usually when something’s wrong, he says something, but i’m getting nervous.

What do I do? What’s going on? I want to have a conversation with him about it but because I’m the bigger initiator of conversations in the relationship I don’t wanna seem like i’m constantly nagging him, or like I’m the only one invested in the relationship. Do I give him more space and text him as usual, or not text him at all?

TL;DR: Boyfriend of 10 months is being hot and cold and I don’t know how to interpret this or how to address it.

1 comment
  1. Sounds like you’re overthinking it. It’s normal, but remember that texts have little meaning. You can’t tell someones emotions by a text. If he acts like this in real life then it’s a different story but it could be he’s just busy.

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