I spend most of my time between London, Essex and the south coast, if I’m ordering a pint and want to tip the bar staff I’ll say “take one for yourself” which is generally accepted as a drink for themselves, be it a pint, glass of wine or single and mixer. I work in the industry and everyone I’ve met follows this rule.

Apparently up north this isn’t common and sayings like “your own” “and yours” “and for yourself” mean keep the change to the nearest pound or take £1.

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  2. Take your own, this actually works out at 20p in most pubs, not sure how, or why, just always been that way.

  3. I don’t….Unless we’ve caused them extra work like spilling a drink or something

  4. I only get the bar tender a drink if I am going to be staying for a bit. Then they get “You want one?”, I expect them to charge me for whatever they’re having, and the deal is done.

  5. You’re saying that “up north” has a reputation for being tight-fisted, mean, and generally impecunious? I’m shocked, shocked, ah tell thee. And so’s t’whippet.

  6. Could we stop trying to make tipping normal in the UK. There should be a new rule to ban this topic, it has been asked many times lately.

  7. I worked in pubs in South Manchester 25 years ago and ‘take yours’, ‘your own’ and ‘and yours’ was 10p. If the change was 7p I took that instead. Some tipped with every drink, some on their first and last drink, some never, some just once a night.

    I made £1k a year in 10p tips!

    I went to see family 40 miles away and they didn’t even know what I meant when I suggested they take a tip!

  8. You buy them a drink, you don’t expect them to actually have a drink with you. They just change you for an extra

  9. This sub:

    “UK is suffering from mass inflation, cost of living rises, housing market is inflated”

    Also this sub:

    “How do I give away my earned money for absolutely no reason whatsoever, or to someone putting beer in a glass”

    This topic should be banned.

  10. Only time I tip is Christmas we do a bar crawl with about 30-50 people dressed as Santa, it’s in the afternoon so usually just one poor barman having to deal with lots of drunk Santa’s. We do a whip around the group with a hat at each bar/pub and give it to the staff when we leave while letting them know they are on the good list. It’s usually like £10-20 but we only do it because we appreciate that we are a bit disruptive and its ensured we can get back in everywhere year after year.

  11. I wouldn’t. Tipping shouldn’t be a thing here, there’s a minimum wage, it’s not like in the US, why are people trying to make tipping a thing!

    Also the take one for yourself thing, you’re often going to get ripped off, I’ve had it confirmed that they charge you for a alcoholic drink but only have a normal drink, because they are at work and can’t really drink

    I don’t mind change being rounded up as it means I’m not running around with shrapnel but the day I tip for someone giving me a drink is the day I die

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