Men who’s wife left you for one of your close friends, How did it happen? How did you get over it?

  1. Not quite the same, I have a friend who left her husband for me. Don’t recommend it

  2. This was between two of my friends, and the one wasn’t married to the girl, but they had been dating for a really long time. We’ll call the boyfriend “A”, and the close friend “B”. We all hung out together all the time and my one friend even started dating the girl’s sister. Low and behold, out of the blue it came out that the girl was cheating on A with B. Suuuuper awkward. Like they would be making fun of A together to A’s face and he didn’t have a clue. They broke up and the girl and B started dating. They pretty much isolated themsleves from the group with the exception of my friend who dates the girl’s sister.

    I had only seen B one time after this affair came out, but they both live up the street from me and have a kid now. They’ve been dating for even longer than A and the girl were. My friend who dates the girl’s sister told me that the girl and B are at a crossroads now and he doesn’t see them lasting. B was kind of an asshole low key so I’m not surprised

  3. Happened with me, and exgf and a buddy of mine.

    Obviously when it happened, we had a falling out and we weren’t friends for awhile. But as time went on, I realized he did me a favour by exposing her proclivities before I’d gotten more invested. Then she did the same thing to him. Hos gonna ho, and you can’t turn a ho into a housewife. Especially if she’s got the wandering eye.

    Now we’re friends again. He’s my acid test for loyalty in future girlfriends. I introduce them to him near the start of a relationship. If she’s getting everything she needs from me, she won’t be interested in him. If she’s not, and she goes over to him, again, he did me a favour. He provides me a valuable service.

    These are grown-ass women, making this decision. If that’s what they decide, then so be it. I’m better off without her.

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