I don’t mean this in a literal sense but I mean if they say something along the lines of “if you break my heart my brother/dad is gonna kick your ass”

Edit: this girl is your partner or potential partner btw

  1. I feel that is typical from a loving family. Unless you have reason to believe the family is psycho, I wouldn’t be worried about it. Also helps if you don’t give them a reason to “kick your ass”.

  2. Step 1: Don’t be physically incapable of defending yourself

    Step 2: Dump her

  3. I’d leave her right away. If she is going to use family to bring violence while you’re dating, can you trust any meal she prepares for you if married? Don’t eat the tapioca pudding.

  4. Had this happen once a year ago. She didn’t take it well when I told her if she broke my heart my sister and niece were going to beat her.

    It’s only fair.

  5. I mean, I haven’t had that happen since high school, but the one time it DID happen,

    “Isn’t he a head shorter than me?”

  6. “Thanks for reminding me to get a restraining order against them, too”.

  7. I have always felt so embarrassed by hearing members of my family make statements like that about myself, and my female cousins. It’s really just a yuck factor for me, and it feels so inappropriate. Kind of like a man saying, “oh you’re gonna be a little heartbreaker,” to a toddler or telling parents of a young girl that they’re going to have to keep her locked up because all the boys will be knocking on their door.
    Hearing that another female would make that kind of statement of be nice to me or else…I really would stay far away from someone like that. That just screams unstable to me.

  8. Lol, unless she wants her entire family in prison she is not going to be doing shit.

  9. Get it now. Seriously. She is threatening you with physical violence. Do you want to be in a relationship with someone who hangs the threat of domestic violence over your head? She’s trying to manipulate and control you.

  10. I haven’t experienced it in my past partners but I also am a larger than average human so most think twice before threatening me with physical violence.

    If it’s the girl that’s threatening to sic her father/brothers/uncles on me, yeah thats a no. She is really quickly going to be either a block or a restraining order for me.

    It’s one of those things that isn’t even worth the joke because it’s got a really bad tone to the relationship to it.

  11. She doesn’t, and if she would, she’d need a good lawyer if she wants to see our child more than once a month at Starbucks.

  12. This is such a weird thing to say to men lol I’ve heard it from all kinds of people myself. I’ve heard it from women I dated, their friends, their families. One had a mom who was obsessed with telling me she would hurt me if I broke her daughter’s heart, like okay, am I supposed to be afraid of you? Wtf is with this shit?

  13. Tell her it would be a shame for her to lose so many family members. Then build a moat. Also, bitches love moats

  14. Never had that happen. But i likely wouldn’t have anything to do with a nutjob that acted like that.

  15. “Let them try”

    Then on the off chance it happens, after I recover from the beating sue them both and leave them destitute.

  16. “If they do, I will defend myself and press charges. Do not contact me again, or I will file a restraining order.”

  17. By leaving.

    What sane person thinks that’s a normal thing to say to someone else? That is a gateway to manipulation if not an outright threat of violence.

  18. I’d stop talking to her. I don’t have the time or patience to deal with that kind of nonsense.

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