I’m a 4’10 man with a small dick and women always give me shit for it. I’ve been trying to get into a relationship but they tell me i’m way too small in both height and dick size. What exactly would make a guy more sexually pleasing to a woman?

  1. Confidant is a must. Cockiness? Some. A lot less whining and demanding.

    Stop being ashamed about your height you’ll get laid more. My son is Barely over 5”. His girlfriend is 6”. Together two years and counting.

  2. I’ve seen some ugly-ass dudes pull tail from being confident and just a little cocky.

  3. I wouldn’t keep up with the

    >a small dick

    Your penis probably isn’t as small as you think it is. Time and time again I see men on here talking about their 4-6inches meaning they are small…for perspective, the average length of an aroused vagina is about [4 inches](https://www.webmd.com/women/features/vagina-size). And a lot of the time, size *really* doesn’t matter. Only about [25](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-about-sex/200903/the-most-important-sexual-statistic) percent of women can orgasm from PIV alone. You’re going to make it up with lots of foreplay and clitoral stimulation.

    For me, personality is a huge thing. If you’re an attractive person on the inside, the outside is 10x hotter. Even if I already saw them as attractive already.

    Work on your self confidence, and how you cope with emotions if you notice you have trouble with that.

    Being clean, smelling good is another aspect. Dressing confidently too.

    ETA- The right person is going to love you for who you are. They aren’t going to care about your penis size, or height. They’re just going to love that you’re you.

    ETA2- I wanted to come back and quote this from the same article of the PIV statistic. This comes from 33 studies over the period of 80 years, by author Elizabeth Lloyd from Harvard University Press.

    >Penis size doesn’t matter to most women’s sexual satisfaction. If only 25 percent of women are consistently orgasmic during intercourse, then for most women, penis size doesn’t matter. The fact is, any size penis can provide great pleasure to the man it’s attached to. But the key to most women’s erotic pleasure comes not from the penis and intercourse, but from direct clitoral stimulation, using the fingers, palm, tongue, or sex toys.

  4. How do women give you shit for your dick size if that’s not something they can see?

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