I(20s)tried to initiate sex this afternoon. I get it was super hot and all. But I felt frustrated we didn’t have sex at all. Instead he was like “it’s too hot, ew.” It killed my mood. From now on, I’ll just say no if he ever initiates having sex with me.

Any advice I get would be appreciated. I just feel so frustrated and I don’t know why. It’s been a week since we’ve had sex. Unless he’s been busy with others.

Tl:dr- bf and I did not have sex this weekend and I feel really frustrated. And he has a high sex drive. Idk what to do.

  1. So you two will just never have sex again? You shouldnt be petty about the situation, that will get you guys no where and might end up ruining your relationship

  2. Tit for tat, or in this case, not tits for no tats, is a horrible way to deal with anything ever.


  3. The revenge thing is not going to help maintain a healthy relationship, if anything it will contribute to destroying it.

    I suggest you talk to him, explain how you feel and in return you gotta listen to how he feels. You both can agree to disagree, but it’s important to keep those communication doors open and be open to listening.

    I don’t mean this as condescending- but as you age and take on more responsibilities you’ll realize sex isn’t always in the cards some nights, despite one person being in the mood. Sometimes you go without it for a bit because life gets the best of you.

  4. Ya don’t fuck him and teach him a lesson for not fucken you, should go real good 👌👌👌

  5. “from now on..I’ll act childish instead of accepting that my partner isn’t obligated to service me sexually whenever i want.”
    I hate getting super sweaty and hot during sex myself.

    Talk to your boyfriend and don’t act like a child. You’ll just exasperate the problem.

  6. He felt it was too hot to engage in a physical activity that combines the body heat coming off two people. Wouldn’t want to have sex in an uncomfortable environment myself. I want to enjoy it and not have to keep stopping to wipe the sweat from my eyes or brush the sweaty hair to the side. Maybe he could have responded better, but being petty about it isn’t the thing to do.

  7. So your bf said “no” to sex you you got angry…..what advise do you need?you just suck

  8. When my wife and I were in Texas, we would have cold wet wash clothe tossing battles to get each other cooled off and worked up. It worked.

  9. Honestly it sounds like the age gap between you guys is to big and you’re way too immature

  10. as long as he isn’t saying no because he rather porn and beating off rather than sex with you then i’d just accept it and try not to feel a way. even though if you ask about the porn and beating off he will likely deny it so yeah..

  11. Sex isn’t guaranteed. It’s a mutual intimate activity with your partner. Everyone is allowed to say no to sex, for whatever reason. EVEN IF YOURE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM! You are being childish, and borderline predatory.

  12. He‘s too old for you. Date someone your own age who is just as immature as you.

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