For me, I strongly believe that the way free speech is interpreted in the US is the best interpretation I’ve seen anywhere in the world. Meaning, that the government can’t arrest you for any type of speech unless it’s a direct threat to a person’s life. Also, you can be sued for libel or slander against an individual.

I think there are a few areas where I would restrict freedom of speech:

1. I don’t believe the media should be allowed to print the names of people who get arrested (or their victims) unless they are found guilty in a court of law.
2. I believe that election commissions can make super PACs and lobbyists illegal, or very heavily restrict them.

1 comment
  1. Number 2 is probably better addressed by altering how we define corporations and better enumerating their rights as distinct from persons than by trying to regulate/legislate it as an exception to free speech.

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