Most interested in direct inguinal but all welcome.

  1. Too variable of a question. many different types of hernias and size can vary. Also, baseline health varies. Just go to a reputable surgeon and do what they recommend in terms of aftercare

  2. Not a guy but my husbands was rough. My advice is to make sure you give yourself plenty of time to heal. Too much too soon is a bad idea.

  3. Mine was open surgery and it wasn’t terrible but the first week was a little painful.

  4. Abdominal hernia. Mine was fine. I was walking right after surgery and drove myself home. I needed pain meds for a few days but after that it was just strengthening the muscle

  5. Location matters. Pelvic hernia from personal experience is fucking awful. Like pissing lava for the first couple days. The first two days were the worst for me

  6. If it’s Laparoscopic Surgery your initial recovery will likely be very fast, you may not even require significant pain medication. You’ll still need to take it easy to up to a month.

    If you undergo traditional surgery where they cut you open more, your initial recovery will be about a week, with the same limitations for a month.

  7. Painful as fuck. I would wake up and roll to my side to take a pain pill then roll back and wait for it to kick in before I could get up, and I even had a pain pump but that shit hurt so bad. Iv has broken arm, broken leg, dislocated ankle, broken nose, concussion, hernia surgery recovery was the worst of all of them.

    Mine was just above my groin and below my ab in the left side, I apparently gave myself a hernia lifting weights too heavy that I wasn’t ready for by my muscles could do.

  8. I haven’t had one myself. But i know a a handful of guys that have. My biggest piece of advice is this, listen to the doctor! Recovery is majorly important. DO NOT RUSH IT. If anything, take a little more time than what they tell you. Every single one of the guys i know rushed their recovery time and got back to their normal thing way earlier than they should have.

    And every single one fucked themselves up and is now in even worse shape than before.
    Fuck that “Man up” bullshit when it comes to shit like this.

  9. Mine was pretty easy but it’s important to give yourself time to recover but not so much time that you start healing in a way that isn’t conducive to your real life.

  10. I had the one where they cut you in the pelvic area when I was a kid, and it hurts,a lot ☠️👽

  11. Had an inguinal hernia repaired laparoscopically. First 24 hours after were pretty painful, engaging the core muscles hurt so changing positions was rough. Got a little better each day and I think I was back to work 3 days later. Take stool softeners and avoid anything strenuous activity for a while

  12. I have had more than one hernia surgery. Recovery was pretty quick every time. Like a week or two tops. I mean, I was able to take care of myself, I just wasn’t doing any hard work.

  13. I had some kind of new robot technology that was supposed to reduce my recovery time for mine but I was walking around after a couple days. Still wasn’t able to work out fully for like 6 weeks though. After waking up from surgery though, I tried to walk on my own to the bathroom and about lost it all, so definitely take it as slow as possible. That same thing happened to my dad as well after his surgery years ago.

  14. Dont push too hard afterwards. Take your time.. Feel every movement and realize the extra care you need to take. Rest a lot.

  15. The first couple of weeks were a bitch. You don’t realize just how much you use your core muscles. After that it wasn’t too bad. A lot of sitting around waiting to be able to go back to work.

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