During math class I ended up walking up to a girl in my class, I asked if she wanted to work on the RST (Project/assignment) with me, she seemed really rude with the way she responded but it ended up being better, after a while I was stuck there and couldn’t start a conversation, I think she tried by asking me for help but I was stumped, I told her what to do and so on, I tried by starting a conversation after a while of silence, she didn’t seem interested or she ignored me, but what I found weird was I catch her staring at me and one time I forgot my booklet, but she had a spare one with notes that she gave to me, I was thinking of maybe texting her or something any advice for this situation ?

  1. That is super odd.. maybe she has a “resting rude” tone? I’m pretty monotone for a girl, and it can come across bitchy or rude. Or maybe she’s insecure and wondering why you, awesome YOU, would ask her to be her partner. I know for a long time I thought guys were making fun of me when they would give me attention, come to find, they were being nice.

    If you have some other class thing, like, “hey, I can’t find my notes, wondering if you happened to take any I could copy?” then that could be a safe way of sliding into a text where you could feel out her response. Or just go for it and ask her for coffee.

    Unless she was like, “get away from me weirdo!” then I would shoot that shot

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