Ok, im a little embarrassed by this but I need advice. How can someone stop squirting every time they have sex or masturbate? The first time i did, the guy i hooked up with looked at me awkwardly and seemed disgusted by it. I didn’t expect it to happen and since then I’ve been squirting every time and I don’t like that it happens all the time. I feel embarrassed when it happens. Is there a way for it to happen less?

Update: thank you ❤️ wow, i love you guys. Thank you for replying!

  1. Honestly, that guy seems kind of immature.
    It’s alright to not be into squirting, but being disgusted by something totally normal is pretty shitty. If you can’t handle what woman’s bodies do during sex, you shouldn’t be having sex with women.

  2. Squirting is very very good thing hun! That guy knows nothing. Great lovers love squirting. It’s a very beautiful thing in my opinion. It’s that release. It’s that deep guttural release from within. Most women actually would love to have this ability. Consider yourself lucky my dear. Get a new lover. I promise you won’t regret it and you will love yourself as you are inside and out.

  3. Expectations as to what sex should be is so skewed thanks to pornography. It’s messy; there’s bodily fluids, smells, and sounds you aren’t expecting.

    While I myself have a thing for squirting, as a man that has to manage clean up once my SO and I are wrapping things up, I definitely see the draw back of squirting every time.

    I’m thinking your best bet is to try different sensations/points of sensitivity and see if that changes the way you finish. Then again I’m just a guy speculating based off of prior partners.

  4. For me, squirting often happens when I’m feeling the most pleasure, and to prevent it would require me to actively concentrate on preventing it rather than concentrating on my pleasure.

    Personally, for me that means it’s not worth it to have sex with people who are put off by squirting. Sex is about mutual pleasure. If they can’t understand that, I’m not gonna enjoy sex with them and don’t want to have sex with them anyway.

  5. Enjoy it while you can. I was chemically castrated by an antipsychotic and my much cherished ability to squirt was completely lost. It feels like something vital has died.

  6. They have washable, waterproof sex blankets you can get on Amazon too, if you’re concerned about clean up!

  7. Don’t change anything about yourself, change the guy you are with. I would pay large sums of money to make my SO squirt! I had a few partners when I was much younger and inexperienced squirt and I instantly thought it was hot and more common. Now I long for those days!!!

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