So I’m 17 but I’m not going to date for a while, most likely, so I’ll be 18 before I need to know the answer to this. However, I know that I’m not super into this whole casual thing. Personally, I’d really just rather date to find someone who I care deeply for and am compatible with long term and settle down and build a life, because that’s all I’ve wanted. And this isn’t weird for where I’m from-lots of people settle down earlier on. But it’s complicated when you have this trend of casual stuff, people not wanting to settle down for years and years, etc.

How do you talk about this stuff to find out someone’s intentions? Because obviously you don’t start talking about your future life with someone you’ve just started seeing, and you don’t want them to think you’re over invested, but you also want to make sure that you are on the same page and one person is

1 comment
  1. coming from someone who had the same mentality, i think you need to spend your teen years being a little more carefree. i “dated to marry” at that age too and found someone i expected to be with for the long haul, but obviously people grow and change and they aren’t who you expected them to be. if you do find someone you’re incredibly compatible with, then take it slow and eventually you’ll reach a point where you both feel comfortable speaking about long-term goals and life plans.

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