Put yeast infection medicine inside. Burns. May I add yogurt or must I push through? Will it cancel the medicine? Thx

  1. Not a doctor, just a woman who has been there. I never use medicine at all anymore. I just use plain yogurt. I even douche with it. I mix it with a little water to thin it some. Stir it up and put it in a clean douche container from a vinegar and water douche I used to use. No burn, just pure relief! Worked for me everytime.

  2. for myself & friends & fam the crap u insert never wrkd & i was also told when i was younger as a hm remedy for external itching to try yogurt on the outside …its allllllll NO …u need to take the oral pill ‘Fluconozole’ to actually get rid of it …& for some relief of the external burn & itching ‘Clotrimaderm Cream 1%’

  3. im assuming the yeast infection medicine was prescribed by a doctor. I have encountered cream and insert medication that caused a burning sensation aswell.

    Have you gone for any test to see if it was actually a yeast infection? i had a yeast infection once(it cleared up) but then got similar symptoms after a year. but it was not still a yeast infection. i suggest contacting your gynecologist or doctor and request to be tested( if this was a self diagnosis) the doctor does know best sometimes and google remedies do not compared to being advised by a medical professional 🙂

  4. They gave me a one time 5 tablet medicine that was not so good for me but it helped some how (it made me puke and have diarrhoea)
    also maybe indicate to your doctor if you are allergic to anything.
    i can tell you the tests i went for which helped them determine a solution: blood test, unrine and high vaginal swab.

  5. Are you using Monistat?

    Monistat always burns me when I use it. I asked my gyno about it and she said that it has more harsh ingredients than off-brand creams, and many of her patients have the same complaint.

    Try a store brand Miconazole cream instead, preferably a 3- or 7-day dosage, as those tend to be more mild than 1-day creams.

    If it burns, get it out. It’s supposed to bring relief, not burn more.

    And of course, return to your doctor if symptoms don’t go away.

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