Fish and chips Friday?

Roast on Sunday?

  1. Roast dinner.

    BBQ, no matter the weather.

    Growing your own food – veg patch.

    Be polite .

    Use footpaths.

    Bonfire night.

  2. Christmas crackers. Boxing Day is second Christmas with extended family. Pancake day if I ever remember. Tea offered after any trauma. Sunday roast dinners.

  3. Tolerance of others and open mindedness. To never assume that your culture is correct or better than others.

  4. Letting the new year in by opening the door at midnight on New Year’s Eve/Day. Never known it outside the UK.

    And queuing, quietly tutting, and saying “you can do mine next” to anyone washing a car. Obviously.

  5. Eating a 2,000 kcal kebab at 3am on a Saturday, on the way home, with short clothes, in February.

  6. Being annoyed about the neighbour driving over my grass when they reverse into their drive but not wanting to confront it for fear of making things awkward.

  7. Immediately and profusely apologising the moment somebody very clearly walks straight into you first.

  8. Clapping and cheering when a member of staff drops something in a pub/restaurant.

  9. I won’t be having children of my own but I love being an uncle to my nephews. I plan to encourage them to love British folklore like my dad told me. And a love for Yorkshire puddings.

  10. Solving any problem by putting the kettle on

    Going to tacky seaside towns and loving it


  11. It might seem very parochial, but hopefully I’d like to teach them the entirety of the countryside layout here in my county, such as where one parish ends and another begins, where the boundaries of the county hundreds are, where this wood got its name from, whom that field is named after, etc.

    I don’t think it’s right for those things to fall out of knowledge. They’re a part of your history and they are worth remembering. I used to love wandering about without a map and just know where I was, how to get here or there just through knowledge of the countryside that was taught to me by my nan.

    Also, botany and plant collecting! Lots of tasty plants out there to be found.

  12. Electing people to government because I think they are like me, then being disappointed when it turns out they are exactly like me.

  13. Sneaking stuff in to my neighbours wheelie bins in the den of night, shuffling around like a cracked out gollum in your dressing gown so you don’t set off the neighbours light censors

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