So i’ve started my sex life around seven months ago and aside from some initial pain when he first puts it in everything goes smoothly afterwards, but recently for the last three times with have done it we’ve noticed that I was bleeding significantly it wasn’t just a little spotting so obviously we got scared. I did a pregnancy test and it came back negative and I also just got my period today so we’re clear there. I went to the gynecologist for consultation and she gave me a quick exam and told me that everything was fine but then didn’t suggest anything I could do about it so I don’t really know what to do because it’s a situation that I just don’t want to have to get used to.
Also little PS I do feel very wet when we are having sex not always but even in the times that I wasn’t feeling that wet I remember I didn’t bleed, it is something more recent, particularly the last time we did it I felt very very wet and I still bleed.

Can u give me any advice?

1 comment
  1. It was hormonal bc for me. It could be a range of things for you. Go see another doctor until you track down the issue and best of luck

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