ayo F16, social anxiety and FOMO lol
so uhm i wouldn’t say i have the classic version of social anxiety but more of a + version, which is very uncommon. my fear is to run out of things to say, ESPECIALLY when im with a person only (so not a group of friends), to not be having fun, to always do or say the same things, to be annoying, and my mind goes blank as soon as i start thinking shits like ‘what do i talk about?’ ‘what do i say’ ‘i used to be so fun and spontaneous what happened to me’. and that just literally ruins all of my relationships and is sorta turnin me into a people pleaser. istg im so awkward sometimes, almost always and ion really know how i used to be a social god. i just miss how i was and i hate how things r rn. does someone know how to get out of this loop?

  1. There’s no such thing as an A+ version of social anxiety. It’s social anxiety. And a lot of people have it. Right now it seems like you’re ruminating on this, which isn’t helpful. Such as you “used to be a social god”. You’re only 16, so you previously being fun and spontaneous means you’re dealing with insecurity or an issue you should address. What do you feel when you run out of things to say? Is it dread? embarrassment? Is it fear of what others might think of you? And the more you focus on this, the more anxious you’ll feel in social settings. I recommend using people as practice. Come up with a few phrases for when you run out of things to say. Empathy, or mirroring people you’re interacting with is a huge part of easing that anxiety.

  2. Look try something with how u interact,do wanna be a gal in someone’s life or do wanna be a lady who has men lining up for.
    First step lose the way to type..it reeks of 16yr old wanabe gal
    Step 2 learn to spend time alone, people should miss ur presence..
    Step 3 try reading literature aand vocabulary..yeah u will feel alienated by ur peers but if u wanna be a social god then journey starts with difficulty.
    Step 4 once u start realising how cringe u r talking ri8 now u will understand that u r on the ri8 path
    . do no worry ,a lady is someone who can slay and date and run an enterprise without even lifting a finger and making a gesture
    Step5 once u become a real lady and all the men,I repeat men not boys are after u in ur 20s the girls usually follow,and u end up being the social god u so desire to be..

    Being good at sociallizing is all about growing up.rather than clinging to past,change ur ideals from Hollywood stars to people like. Princess Diane..if u don’t believe go check her out on Google.

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