im a girl dad now(just had my second girl, not having any more kids), other girl dads, what are your pro tips you wish you knew?

  1. She knows I’m joking, but I tell my daughter she’s not allowed to date until she’s 35 and married

  2. Don’t let your masculinity get in the way of doing girl stuff with them. Let them paint your toenails and do your makeup. They will remember that forever.

  3. Don’t force them down a path. Let them be themselves and love them for who they are. Example: don’t force them to play sports, or dance, etc. You can introduce them to those activities, but let them figure out their own passions, and then feed into that. Support them in those interests. That will create a bond between father/daughter that can’t be broken.

  4. You’re chances of having a boy increase by 17% if you came while doing missionary.

  5. If you don’t have good finances don’t have a kid, girl or otherwise. Pro tip.

  6. If things get a little “bumpy” in about 12-14 years, DO NOT compare them with their mother.

  7. I have 4 daughters. 15, 12, 5 and 4. Two of them we just adopted in December. My most recent light bulb moment was when my oldest was getting ready for a highschool dance.

    Her mother was helping her get ready, doing the hair, helping with the make up, all that stuff. When I came home with a corsage she was very confused. My daughter was going with a bunch of friends not a date. My wife didn’t understand either but it mattered to me (I guess I’m old school) so my daughter wore it to the dance. My wife came home from dropping her off and still didn’t understand and told her to just wear it because it was important to me.

    Once I picked my daughter up from the party I was greeted with a huge hug. I asked her how her night was and she said she had a good time with her friends. Her friends loved the corsage and everyone wanted to know who gave it to her. Usually it’s something that a boy gives to a girl when they are dating but I didn’t want her to be one of the few with out one and I knew she would look beautiful with it.

    Tldr; As you are raising them most of the time your daughters wont need a man but a second parent, but when the opertunity to show them how a man should behave arizes…be there to show them.

    Also: wipe front to back!

  8. Dad of two young girls. Be the best role model you can be, because girls tend to date men like their fathers, so if you’re an inattentive piece of shit, you probably won’t love who she brings home.

    I also encourage the stuff I enjoy, but never push it on them. My girls like rainbows and unicorns, I tried to get the oldest to like sports, but it’s not her thing, so I found what she enjoys.She loves science and tech. We love to do science experiments together and I hope when we get older she remembers those as fond memories with me.

  9. Hair care:

    The tiny rubber bands for their pony tails SUCK. Get something thick and preferably cloth covered like a scrunchie so that you can remove it easily without pulled hair.

    Also brush long hair starting near the bottom and climbing higher each stroke. If you start at the scalp and try to go all the way down in one stroke, there will be tangles, pulled hair, and tears.

  10. Parenting isn’t like engineering, its like gardening. If you have a pear tree growing in your back yard, you cant turn it into an apple tree, you can just help it be an awesome pear tree.

  11. 1: They can pee straight up as babies, just like boys. So keep that mouth closed when changing them.
    2: Mine are more openly sweet, but much more vicious than the boy.
    3 They use a HEAP more toilet paper than you’d expect. Like 4 times the amount I do.

    And that’s about it. Everything else was just the same as any other kid. Don’t make them feel crappy about themselves, make sure they know bad behavior is a crappy thing to do and just *teach them*.

  12. I’m not a dad, but as a woman who was raised by a dad, I can say that having a dad who always supportive made me much more confident than I probably would have been otherwise. He always made sure my sister and I were able to speak our minds and let us have hard opinions and stand up for and defend those opinions, even if he didn’t agree. And when we were young, there was no needing to only do more traditional girl activities or keep quiet because it was the ladylike thing to do, we had different hobbies that were all over the place and no matter what we were into he not only supported them but tried to become involved when he could.

  13. teach them to fix stuff- cars, stuff around the house, etc.

    That shit should not just be for boys

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