Hello all

This is my first post on this subreddit. My(25) gf(24) told me a month ago when her parents got sick that our fighting in the relationship was too much and broke it off. I was blindsided and did not handle it well for the first week and we still talked and hung out when she wanted but never on my time. Over the last month I have been taking a lot of effort to distance myself and now her folks are doing better enough that at work (we work together) she invited other coworkers to hang out outside of work now that she has more time. I felt hurt by this and decided that she moved past the relationship. However. She still interacts with me at work as if we are still dating or really close friends. She will walk with me, make efforts to eat with me and talk with me even when I try to make it clear I don’t understand why she does this. The other day she gave me a fishing lure, and it was the kind of small sentimental gift we would give each other when we were together, then came into the room I was in at the end of the day just to check on me. What would you all advise me to do?

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