My bf (39M) and I (32F) have been together for almost 8 months. I already figured out he has an avoidant attachment style and I am textbook anxious.

For the first 5 months everything was great, we didnt trigger each other, he loved the fact that I actually asked questions about himself, he felt safe, I felt the same, finally a healthy relationship. He used to talk to me all day and if we didnt for a day he used to joke “it was traumatic, lets NEVER do this again”, he used to give me compliments all the time and validate me, because he believes you should make your partner feel as the best version of themselves.

Somewhere after that I am not sure if I gave out a reaction, or if I said something or what happened but there was a shift. He was still talking to me, its not a matter of ghosting, but every time I asked a question, even trivial ones like “how was you day? what did you do today?” or “What are you plans for the weekend?” he somehow dismisses it and asks about my day instead. I started talking more and more about the relationship and he became someone that just listens and says something like “you are right, i could be better at communicating, im sorry” but I do not see much action after that. I realized, i became a nagger, constantly having these big emotional conversations about communication and therefore pushing him further and further away. I was probably being overly critical and making him feel constantly criticized. We started that pull-push cycle. We both basically built walls around ourselves. And I was left feeling powerless, like I like him more than he likes me. He has no fear that I would leave, because he knows I wont.

This past week we had a pretty big and toxic argument (you can look at my post history, my previous post). And I realize my short comings. So I decided to apologize about my overreaction, and tell him that I am here for him, and I am just trying to support him. And surprise surprise: silence.

I just wish he would share whats going on in his life with me, shared, told me what happened, his plans, etc… I am not asking for some all day chatter type of thing.

The advice I need is related to how to fix the push and pull cycle. I understand that right now I need to give him space, and let him come back to me. I understand that what’s done is done, and pushing wont get me anywhere. But my fear is that if I compromise, and accept his avoidance, in a way I am the only one putting the effort. How to break the cycle? How to find a middle ground between our needs?

TL;DR: I am anxious and my boyfriend is avoidant, we have been triggering each other. How to break the pull-push cycle and fix our communication issues?

1 comment
  1. EFT couples therapy and/or read the book Hold Me Right by Dr Sue Johnson.

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