If you could be able to read just one person’s mind, who would you choose and why?

  1. God’s. I’d want understanding for so many things and to be able to have a better idea of the big picture.

  2. A friend of mine. She is sweet, caring, outwardly compassionate, but there are things that she says and does that makes me wonder. To see what she’s really thinking would be amazing.

  3. My son’s. He’s non-verbal. He’s a pretty compliant guy and I can usually tell what’s going on with him just through familiarity but then there are times that I’m just as lost as everybody else about what’s going on with him.

    TBH, there’s so little feedback that I have no idea whether or not he thinks I’m being a good parent to him.

  4. The kid I used to PCA for. His mental and behavioral health has been extremely erratic for more than a year now, and even the Mayo Clinic hasn’t been able to figure out what’s wrong. Part of the problem is his mental condition before this started (diagnosed as mentally retarded). If I could read his mind, it might give lead to answers that would help him get better.

  5. Absolutely no one’s. It’s taken me my lifetime to sort my thoughts and it’ll take the rest of my life to understand it more.

    What people curate and choose to speak means a lot to me, I wouldn’t want to see the chaos of others unless I could help them.

  6. Vladimir Putin.

    I want to understand how he came to the conclusions that lead him to invading Ukraine and seemingly think that it was justified and would work. Or whatever other explanation, including mental issues or sheer corruption.

  7. My spouse’s. Most of the time she doesn’t know what she wants but if i could understand the thought process it would help alot.

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