I liked a girl a couple months ago, we were good friends and I asked her out, but she said she sees me as more of a friend. I stopped talking to her because I was kinda mad, but now I asked out another girl and this girl said yes. I would still like to be friends with her though.

  1. Yeah, I have feelings for my best friend, talked to them about it, and it was one sided.

    We’re still friends, and I wouldn’t say it’s damaged that at all.

  2. I have been for a long time. Eventually the romantic feelings went away, we’re still close and her husband is an awesome guy that’s a good friend of mine too. Her and I were in the same friend group so spending time and still being friends came naturally.

    Though I can understand the other side and see why someone wouldn’t want to continue to have someone who rejected them in their life. It can be difficult and there’s no shame in doing what’s best for yourself emotionally

  3. If we were already friends before, yes. Rejection happens and you get over it. As long as she was respectful and not trying to change things because you confessed, I’d apologize and try to salvage it.

  4. I’m in the middle of figuring it out. Signs are pointing towards the negative.
    I’m a “friend from work”. I have expressed an interest in being friends outside of this person’s job, but they are too busy.

    I recently moved, and it’s no longer feasible to visit and spend any time.
    The rejection occurred last summer, we’ve been freinds since. I’m starting to realize this friendship is sort of one sided.

  5. It depends. If YOU are okay with being just friends then you have to actually be okay with being just friends.

    I don’t actually suggest it because of the change in dynamic, but that’s only for how I operate, could absolutely be a good situation for other people

  6. It’s tough. You gotta make sure they’re saying they want to be friends because they actually want to be friends, or if they say they want to be friends for some other reason. Friendship requires effort from both parties, you have to actually want to maintain communication. I’ve had a couple people say they wanted to be friends, and I was like “bet” and I tried to text them and invite them out to hang as friends and send memes and whatever, and I realized it was super one sided. Be friends if that’s what you want, but try to maintain your self respect at all times, and do NOT try to be friends with the intention of weaseling your way into her pants.

  7. No. I have enough friends and doubt someone who rejected me would be a good one. Also, it is likely she doesn’t see you as a friend, she just doesn’t see you at all. Leave it.

  8. I can’t be friends with someone who complains about how hard dating is but then rejects me.

  9. Sure, but you guys probably won’t ever be that close anymore. If you can accept that you guys are probably going to be just distant friends now, then go for it. You’re delusional as fuck if you think things are going to return to the way they were though.

  10. Assiming we were friends before, and it’s not too awkward for her – sure.

  11. lmao I couldn’t be friends with her because I was still very much attracted to her, not because I was mad at all

  12. Uno reverse card, I’ve been the girl in this situation twice.

    With the first guy we were more like new friends than good friends when he asked me out. We continued to hang out and truly became good friends after several months. We eventually hooked up, didn’t last long, hearts were broken and we no longer speak to each other.

    As for the second guy, we *were* already good friends and still are. He took it really well and things were awkward for a little while but we got over it. We don’t talk or hang out as much as we used to but that’s mostly due to life circumstances – we still catch up regularly when we both have time.

  13. Nope. I also wouldn’t change the dynamic of the relationship by switching to a romantic one.

    Also wouldn’t bring a new girl im dating to see the friend right away if i still tried to hang out with her.

  14. If friendship is all you want stay in contact, you know what shes looking for now. The moment she tries to take up too much of your time, bail. Women far too often will see the guy theyve benched with someone else and work to get you back in the reserve spot. Fuck that.

  15. Yeah, if I was interested enough to ask them on a date, they’re probably someone I like spending time with.

  16. Nope. Grow a spine and walk away from her for good. What possible benefit can you glean from such a friendship?

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