Hey other states! What’s your year like, as in how’s the weather, what are the average temperatures, etc?

  1. Well we’re in a “La Nina” pattern. Which generally leads to a drier and warmer spring. We’ve had some storms roll through, but maybe not quite as many as the last couple years. I believe it’s supposed to come to an end in the fall. Temps have actually been somewhat cool and mild since February…

    It’s been an above average warm weekend though, so we’ve been getting outside and doing some gardening/landscaping..

  2. We are currently experiencing Third Winter right now after about a week of 60 degree days. It snowed the past two days and is now about 20 degrees outside.

  3. Ohio here and I mean you get all 4 seasons that’s for dang sure.

    They may all happen within a 24hr period as well but hey it’s nice most of the year lol but I’ve seen it multiple times go from like 70’s and sunny and having a cold front come thru and it be 25-30 degrees and snowing the next day

  4. illinois so constantly bipolar. it was 72 a few days ago and right now its 28

  5. It was spring-like for a week or so but has cooled off and been kinda gray most of the weekend. It’s supposed to get cold tomorrow. Typical March weather.

  6. Mild. There’s only about 15 degrees or so that separates average winter high (upper 50s) from average summer highs (low 70s). Rarely drops below about 45 and I can’t recall the last time it hit freezing. Occasional heat waves in the 80s, didn’t top 85 all last summer I don’t think. I’ve seen it top 100 a couple times in the past two decades. Very late summer to early fall is the warmest part of the year.

    Basically all the rain falls between October and April, in an average year we get measurable precipitation roughly 1 in 3 days during the rainy season, usually bunched together in groups of storms with long sunny stretches between.

    Summer has foggy mornings and evenings with the sun out in the day. Gets kinda windy as inland California heats up, causing the air to rise and pulling in a stiff sea breeze. That’s what keeps it cool near the ocean though so I’ll take the breeze.

    Some rain coming in today but not until closer to sunset, currently 55, looking at a high of 64.

  7. Averages In Montgomery, AL:

    January high = 58, low = 39.

    March high = 70, low = 49.

    May high = 84, low = 64.

    July high = 92, low = 73.

    September high = 87, low = 68.

    November high = 68, low = 48.

    51″ of rain/year. Rains 95 days/year, sunny 211 days/year.

  8. It’s been all over the place. It was 70 last week, and then we are going to have 4 straight days of 30-40

  9. *laughs in Colorado*

    The weather just kinda does what it wants here, the seasons “changing” are wild an unpredictable, we get maybe a couple days of spring and autumn, winter starts and ends whenever and summer is just like “hey i-im coming in for a couple months”

  10. About like yours probably. (Cali)

    Temps got up to 120 F during summer, last year. I hope not again this year.

    In the winter, the temps can drop into the 30s at night.

  11. Kentucky-we get a taste of winter without it being too harsh, long spring and summer, and because of the Ohio river valley, summers aren’t too hot usually. Today it’s around 40 with a high around 50. Last week it was 70, who knows what it will be like coming up. The only downside is the pollen (one of the worst places for allergies) and when the river floods, but we have floodgates downtown to protect it.

  12. My state has pretty much every climate. My area is warm and dry, rarely rains and almost never snows. It gets below freezing a few nights each winter.

  13. Other than maybe 10 days or so that went above 85 it’s been pretty nice. It’s been fairly normal for our winter/spring whatever you want to call it in Florida. If I based it in mowing the lawn, I’ve mowed 3 times this year so far.

    Edit: I should add that I’m on the coast of Florida. So the weather doesn’t get as hot, or cold as the middle of the state. I did go to Disney at the end of February and had a few nights that got into the 30s. That’s probably the coolest it has been for some time. I remember seeing an article about it, something along the lines of 8-10 years. I actually had to wrap up pretty good for those few days. But where I live I don’t believe it went below 40.

  14. Spring and summer are already engaged in battle. It was 96 degrees this week, expected to be 66 by the middle of next week, and then back to the low 80s by next weekend. On average, our high temperature for late March is around 80 degrees.

  15. We wait for any sign of autumn, that one slightly crisp morning, one leaf falling. Anything to get away from the humidity.

    Autumn and winter can be cold (not for very long) slushy (not for very long) and bitter (not for very long) winter is pretty nice.

    Spring comes with pollen in the air, your blue car is now green. It’s sunny all the time, or lovely floaty clouds.
    You’ll get a few last attempts at winter but they don’t last long.

    Then summer. Hot, wet and sticky. Not in a good way.

    Spring, autumn and winter are generally pretty nice!

  16. Western Washington is living up to the memes right now, nice constant drizzle. That’s how fall and winter usually are too, with about two or three snow days on average. Summer is a grab bag between rain and nice sunny days.

  17. Winter is cold, very damp, and very gray. When it does happen to be sunny, it’s *very* cold. We do get snow, but usually not more than a few inches at a time, and fortunately it doesn’t pile up the way it does farther north. Most of it usually melts before the next snow. Fun fact: the humidity makes it feel colder, so even though the thermometer says 35°, you should probably dress for 20°.

    Spring is a rollercoaster, swinging between cold and warm, still very damp and still very gray. It doesn’t get reliably nice out until mid-April or so (and “nice” is all relative, because it’s warm, but it’s also muddy). It’s also probably our windiest season.

    Summer is hot and humid, and there are frequent thunderstorms in the afternoons, but overall it can be pretty dry, especially in the late summer. Oh, and it smells like corn everywhere you go. Cornfields have a very distinct smell. I love it.

    Fall is perfect. Literal heaven on earth. Cool, crisp mornings, warm afternoons, the humidity has buggered off, everything is beautifully golden and orange and red, and sitting by a fire with your friends and a good drink feels like everything is wholesome and right in the world. It also only lasts for about nine days.

  18. I currently live in St. Louis. Winters are cold, but not as cold as the Upper Midwest and it rarely snows. Just cold and super windy. Spring and early summer are warm and very wet. The rain here is impressive, and I’m Puerto Rican so I have a frame of reference. Summers are insanely hot and humid. High 80s to high 90s is typical for a day in August and we usually hit triple digits a few times. Fall is the best time of year and is usually tolerable. Our colors usually hit around late October.

  19. Average daily high temps in July 84F and humid, average daily low temps in January of 6F.

  20. NY here (upstate). Summers are nice in the 70-85 range with occasional days in the 90s, usually mid June-mid Sept. Nice fall weather until November when it starts to get pretty cold There’s a good chance of at least some snow from mid November-early April, though January & February are the worst. Temps can get pretty cold, I think we had about 2 weeks straight in January that didn’t get above freezing. Below 0 especially at night is regular. March is anything from below 0-65 on any given day lol. Got about an inch of snow today after most of it had melted 2 weeks ago. Spring usually starts creeping up reliably in the 60s by mid April but there’s a good chance of nighttime frost until May.

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