Whenever I buy bananas for my children’s lunchboxes, I always buy the most enormous ones the store has, because they’re the funniest. Do you guys do the same sort of thing?

  1. I buy bananas which are slightly green, so they don’t turn brown before I get them home.

  2. That’s nice you care so much about your children’s potassium intake. Truly an inspiration.

  3. I look for the ones with the best gradient. Some yellow and some green so they ripen as we eat

  4. I’m a weirdo that likes them still kinda green when I eat them, so I just go for the greenest bunch.

  5. Whenever i buy Cucumber, i also buy lube, so that cashier don’t think i’m vegan.

  6. if the banana is that large, it’s probably around 200 calories.

    do the kids eat the rest of the food provided or do they get full pretty fast?

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