I’m in need of help!!,, I’ve been “shedding” skin from the inside of my vagina, which started a day ago after my cervix was bruised. It had spotting and that was all.. until the next day, my boyfriend fingered me and finds white flaps of skin on his fingers. I used the bathroom after we had sex, and I see more of these white, almost translucent, thin flaps of tissue. (little square sheets) I have no idea what it is or what could be happening, I figured it could be uterine lining shed, but I’m not on my period, and I’ve never had that happen to me before. The other change was a new condom we were trying out, “Skyn” which could have affected something? I’m feeling paranoid that I can’t find anything on it, can any ladies help me out?

  1. wish i could help not really heard of somthing like this, ill comment so hopefully more people see it? i dont know if reddit uses comments in algorithm but yeah ,😅

  2. Are you dehydrated? Vaginal discharge and sexual fluids can quickly dry into a flakey substance. Happens to me when I don’t drink enough water.

  3. I’ve had really weird discharge like this when I had an infection. Are there other symptoms like pain, redness or itchiness. It wasn’t bv or yeast it was an actual infection needed antibiotics. I had very weird discharge with clumps and stringing bits. Either way you should see a Dr.

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