Every time I (f)(24) hang out with my guy friends (a couple times so far), my bf (26) makes comments that make me question if he’s jealous? (Note: We’ve been dating for half a year. We usually don’t go into the specifics of who we’re hanging out with, but we’ve set a boundary to not hang out with the opposite sex one on one. We also have a very tease-y relationship, if that description makes

An example of such comments – “So was it one guy one girl?” and when I answered that it was two guys two girls, he comments “So how was it hanging out with those two guys tonight?” (emphasis on the “two guys” part). When I tell him how it was, he asks
questions about them like are the guys in
relationships (doesn’t mention my girl friend). When he continues to probe about the guys and make comments about me hanging out with them, I
jokingly told him to chill. He then says “Honestly I could care less.”

I’m a bit confused as to if he’s actually jealous but doesn’t want to admit it or if (like he said) he doesn’t care.

TL;DR whenever I hang out with my guy friends, my bf makes comments and asks questions about the guys, then says he couldn’t care less when I jokingly tell him to chill.

  1. How do you usually react? Like you made a boundary not to hang out one on one but you broke it ?

  2. It is possible he is jealous, or just being a little sarcastic. Has anything happened in the past for him to have trust issues? Not necessarily with you, but life in general. Does he ever go hang out with friends that happen to be female? Do your make friends and him ever hang out? Not necessarily them going out hanging, but you, him, them, interacting together often?

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