
  1. To go back in time and have done things in such a way as to not have broken up with my ex lol

    Honestly I think she was the ideal partner for me and haven’t found another quite like that. We broke up because the pandemic and the shitty employment market put us in two different states that were thousands of miles apart with no real way to fix it due to our fields

  2. Right this moment, a danish. Or maybe a filled donut. Or a few soft, delicious cookies.

    Weight loss is a bitch.

  3. A woman that’s been long gone out of my life. She was my soulmate but I treated her like 💩. I just hope she found someone who loves her like she truly deserves

  4. For the man who lives down the hall from me to stop singing “I want it that way” over and over

  5. A car that I’m not scared will die on me, my own apartment, and a girlfriend…in that specific order.

  6. Time travel.

    Not for greedy, win the power ball type shit, but to right a few wrongs. Waste less time on wishful thinking based relationships/friendships. Sure, you learn from your mistakes, and I believe that its important to “Grow through what you go through”, but the long lasting backlash of some things are 10 fold over the lesson.

  7. My kids not running into my bedroom at 6am when I went to bed at 1am 😒

  8. More than a few hours every week or two with my boyfriend, the love of my life

  9. I’d like to have my youthful body back. Not so much the physique, just the inury free, quick to recover, strong and flexible athletic body I had.

    Now I just reach for a paper clip wrong and my arm is in a sling for a week.

  10. More time with my deceased family and friends. Sometimes I just want to sit and talk with them, but unfortunately that will not happen again in this life.

  11. Enough money in the bank so I can live comfortably off the interest each month.

  12. To be truly happy and complete without having to struggle to get there

  13. Self-compassion and self-love. I swear to God, every single conversation I had with any of the professionals I encountered in the mental health space say that I’m too hard on myself 😵‍💫🥴

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