I’ve been with my husband for 5 years and married for 2 years. He has always been anxious and had perfectionist tendencies, but since the pandemic started it has gotten way worse.

We used to have a nice home, but he has started buying things that we dont have room to store. There is so much stuff that are apartment is no longer a functional space and I am embarrassed to have people over.

He criticizes me all the time for not meeting his standards. This is triggered by him feeling stressed or anxious about something and then taking it out on me.

We had about 15 sessions with a marriage counselor, which had no impact. I asked him to get an evaluation for ADHD, which he did, but I think he downplayed his symptoms and no treatment or medication was recommended.

He had a traumatic childhood where his father physically and financially abused his mother and our marriage therapist recommended individual counseling.

Has anyone convinced their spouse to seek treatment and seen positive results?

1 comment
  1. I think being vulnerable is a way that I helped my husband seek services. We are long distance right now due to jobs. My work is very stressful, we have both had medical issues and being away from each other has been stressful.
    I told my husband I was seeking counseling through my work to get through things and opened up that I’ve needed support from a third party. After that my husband said he is seeking services and had his first appointment. Not to say that is the perfect approach but seeking services yourself may be a good step for de-stigmatization.Your marriage Counseler recommended individual session how did he take that?

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