As a girl, we watched movies, did each others hair/makeup, played video games, truth or dare, board games, sometimes we played with dolls or camped in the backyard and told spooky stories, did tarot cards and ouija when we were older..

I see a lot of TV shows and movies depicting girls sleepovers, but I don’t remember any depictions of boys sleepovers off the top of my head. I’m assuming you guys don’t do hair or play with ouija boards, but aside from that is it pretty similar??

  1. Drink mountain dew and play video games, ride bikes, punch each other while cheating at video games, watch movies, stay up until 3AM

  2. Watch films, play computer games and talk. The only thing we probably haven’t done is do each other hair and make up. The difference between boys and girls sleep over probably isn’t that vast.

  3. We just played games till 3am or so and then when the lights were out we just started talking about everything. Childhood memories, paranormal stuff, making jokes, laughing our asses off, philosophical stuff too. Our conversations went deep when the lights were out

  4. I remember one sleepover we all got into this major debate on whether Steve Austin “the six million dollar man” could actually lift a car because only parts of his body were bionic but his spine was the original human spine. I think back on that now and just laugh and laugh. “But it would crush his spine!” Good times. That was a long time ago.

  5. In the 80’s we’d ride bikes, go swimming, and play Nintendo. My son recently had a friend over and they played Minecraft and Roblox, then watched people playing Minecraft and Roblox on YouTube.

  6. When we were young and couldn’t go anywhere: played outside, watched action movies, played video games

  7. When I was a kid, it was hanging out, watching movies,and playing videogames. I remember when my bf got the sega channel. I stayed over there for week just playing videogames. When I was in my teens I hung out with a few friends at a local mall trying to find cute people to get to know.

  8. Pizza, soda, video games etc etc

    Spent an entire night talking about Dragonball lore until we passed out once, great shit

  9. Atari, pizza, Atari, brothers hidden playboys, Benny Hill, Girls of Cell Block D, More playboys, experimental oral, Atari

  10. Anything from exploring in the woods, climb trees build forts that kinda stuff. Fall out of the tree and end up getting poison ivy everywhere. Ride bikes till the street lights came on, Eat your friends snacks and play video games, beat up your friends little brother, make slingshots and shoot pennys at the wall. Random stuff really

  11. Just some random bullshit. As teenagers, we would drive around, stealing yard signs, going to “haunted” places over the state, and did things that delinquents do. We would sometimes drink but would never drive. Now, I only hang out with my roommate. We play video games, go to bars, walk the state parks, and smoke weed.

  12. Well I do remember a sleepover this one time. That night one of my friends came out as gay.
    We had a big party and bright presents. The whole shebang.

  13. Mostly computer games. Also, staying up and trying to find porn on the internet. I had my sleepovers during the early days of dial-up internet, back when you had to work to find porn. We were trying to transition away from analog porn – AKA random woods porn stash.

  14. Movies, video games, occasionally an outdoor game like manhunt. When we were younger, we might have a fight with Nerf guns or something. Once there was a poker game. Truth or dare might have happened, but I think it was more because it’s what they do on TV than because any of us actually liked it. Toward the end of our sleepover days, YouTube was becoming a thing, and we’d sometimes take turns making everyone watch a funny video we liked…that didn’t last long.

    There was some talk about girls when the lights went out; that’s how I learned who one guy had a crush on in middle school, and he went on to marry her, so that’s crazy to think about.

  15. When we were younger: Food, movies, video games.

    When we got older: Food, beer, video games, camp fires.

  16. Pretty much movies, snacks, and video games. We’d also go as a group down to the local convenience store for more snacks.

    I was a teenager at the perfect time for video game sleepovers. This was when the Nintendo 64 was the biggest console around, and so you could have 4 players at once doing Super Smash Bros, Golden Eye, or Mario Kart 64.

  17. Snack out, play video games, wrestle, slap box, etc. first person to fall asleep always gonna get some kinda prank, can be drawing on the face or a slap to the face.

  18. In high school? Video games, watch movies, explore out in the woods(rural area living) smoke pot and laugh at each other. Now that I’m older and when I used to have friends around to do the over night thing with, we would play video games, smoke pot, laugh at each other and sometimes do medium drugs(acid, molly etc). Exploring the woods at night as an adult is more likely to get you trespassing charges 😕.

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