Me and my ex split up in October last year we didn’t get on and he spoke to me like shit it has taken him until about 2 months ago to realise he is heartbroken and up until then he was verbally abusive. He has now stopped smoking weed, got a job and doesn’t understand why I won’t take him back now he has made changes. We have a small child together so I have to see him regularly and he just isn’t taking no for an answer and bombarding me with texts how he can’t live without me he doesn’t know what he’s gonna do and even in 5 years time he’ll still want me. I also booked flights to go on holiday with his mum and step dad as I’m still close with her which he has now booked onto 🤗

1 comment
  1. Tell him 1 final time: “No matter how much you change, We will NOT get back together, It is good that you saw your flaws and are trying to correct your mistakes, but i will NEVER forget the disrespect you showed me, and i will NEVER allow ANYONE to treat me like that, MOVE ON!!”

    Also let him know that ANY and ALL communication will have to be about the baby. No personal stuff AT ALL.

    Also talk to his mum and step dad and tell them that you don’t want him to go on that holiday with you, if they can’t/won’t stop him, cancel the holiday.

    YOU and your mental health come first, ALWAYS!!!

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