How do people end up in your recents? (When you click the search button, not take a picture and send a snap) My boyfriend (28) of ubder a year of being together, is claiming these two girls just deleted him and thats why they are there. But he also said he deleted them months ago. I dont know what to think. I clicked the add friend button on his snap and they conversations are still there, including old nudes they’ve sent. If i could add them back on his… how did they delete him?! How does recents work?

Tl;dr snap recents

  1. Recents only work if you’ve physically searched them up yourself. They won’t show up there if they deleted you that’s weird. So he searched those girls up himself and lied to you about it. It works like Instagram, when you search someone their profile pops up as having been searched, the same goes for snapchat recents.

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