This girl and I (20 and 23) started talking about 2 months ago right after she got out of a toxic relationship and everything was going great for 2-3 weeks. We ended up having sex and I thought to myself it’s going very smoothly and she is ready to move on and be with me. After a while, she started being distant and said that she is not 100% ready to date and she needs to heal, but she is down to be FWB. In the beginning, I was ok with it but as the time went by I could not take it mentally as I really liked her, and just texting her multiple times a week or having sex once or twice a week made me feel worse. Today I told her that I could not do this anymore and we are better off moving on with our lives and suddenly, she started crying and saying that she is really sorry about this and she really tried to remove that mental blockage and that trust issue that came from the last relationship and she is not in a good place in her life. But, I don’t know how that can affect her being with me knowing that for the past 2 months I only made her feel better about her insecurities and I was there whenever she needed help and I can be a great help right now. I’m stuck and I don’t know if made a mistake. It was mentally draining me and I felt disrespected and preferred to not have it at all than question whether I have it or I don’t. Did I do the right thing?

1 comment
  1. I mean personally from my experience if your girlfriend was trying to get you back with a sob story after ignoring you and everything, in my opinion I believe you did the right thing. Because even if you do supposedly help her when she at her worst then I feel like she wouldn’t ignore you etc. To be honest I think she’s better off taking time to herself and for you to do the same. So yes I think you did the right thing. But that’s just my opinion, take it however you want.

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