37m, gf kicked me out told me to grab all my stuff from our apt. Most arguments, end up with me spending the night in my car or my parents home. I didn’t have anywhere to take my stuff, called an ex she let me stay. Gf knew where I was staying. Wanted me to go back but under her conditions, for me to stay in another room and work things out slowly again, to live as roommates and maybe it will take 2-5 months to make things work again, but we will see she stated, since I moved my stuff to my ex. I mentioned I’ll go back but at 100% but she says well who knows how long it will take to fix this but you have another room you can sleep in. Meaning she didn’t give me the 100% back.

So current ex always wanted me to come back, she’s been there for me a lot of times. I’m just confused and thinking now did I do wrong, or should I just stay here with my ex?

  1. INFO:

    Are you on the lease to the apartment?

    If so, she can’t legally kick you out.

  2. Stay with your ex- if you wanted to be with current gf you wouldn’t be asking this question.

  3. Don’t go back that’s bullshit why kick you out in the first place if there is another room you could sleep in …stay away she is toxic af

  4. Maybe just do you for a hot second? It’s ok to just be and focus on YOU. You might actually get to know yourself better and this will eventually help you pick a partner with the same likes goals and ambitions. My man, take a breath and Just. Be. You

  5. Car or parents’ house. So this is a well established pattern of bullshit. Open your eyes and see it for what it is.

  6. lol no. also if you’re on the lease make sure she takes you off and that you arent paying rent. she legally had no right to remove you so

  7. You should NOT go back to the one who kicks you out whenever she gets a bug up her butt. That is toxic as fuck and abusive. Its emotional manipulation. I promise, NO coochie is that good. As for the ex you are staying with, I would NOT get back together with her yet. Take some time to figure YOU out. Maybe get some therapy, being in abusive relationships can really fuck you up mentally and you may end up passing on the effects from that trauma to your new relationship. Take some time, get yourself into your OWN place, and if your ex who you are staying with really wants you back, she will understand that you need to look after YOU first, and only THEN can you be a credit to her.

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