Men, what’s the one item in your possession you just can’t seem to get rid of?

  1. My dad’s quilt. It’s ruined and needs to be repaired or thrown away, but I don’t want to because it’s the only thing of his I have left.

  2. Keyring with keys to stuff i don’t even know if i own anymore. Don’t want to dig up something with a keyhole and realize i threw away the keys.

  3. My volk gt-c wheels. I have even sold them and yet they end up back at my house.

  4. Electric guitar. I sell it but magically I discover that I’ve bought a new one.

  5. I have this old Naruto wallet one of my old friends from HS gave to me three years ago, despite it starting to age and me telling myself that I’ll get a new wallet, I still have it

  6. My wife. Beuahahahaba

    But seriously i don’t wont to lose my pocket knife or watch.

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