Why is my (34f) ex (37M) stalking me on social media

I was dating a guy for six months. During that time he kept going back-and-forth on whether or not he saw a future for us. One of the biggest issues for him was the fact that I am more money than him. Anyway we ended up breaking up, and it was a pretty shitty break up. The last time we met, he asked me if I wanted something serious with him. I said I wasn’t sure, so then he said he’d met someone else. When we started talking about it, we both said we had started to fall for each other. We ended up sleeping together that night, but immediately afterwards he said it was a mistake and that he wanted to be with the other girl he had met. He then left my place and that was the last time I saw him.

A week or so later I sent him a message saying that I felt he had behaved badly and that I expected more than that. He responded with a half arsed apology. I said it was fine, I then deleted him from my social media and decided to just move on.

A couple of weeks after that he re-adds me. I asked him why he wanted that and he said he wanted to be friends. I thought to myself- it would look petty to decline it. I didn’t follow him back.

Now he’s watching everything I do, reacting to insta stories and wishing my mum a happy birthday when I posted something about it. The idea of him watching my life creeps me out! Why does even want to do this? It’s so weird, we are clearly over and there is really no friendship (and he hasn’t even attempted to create one)

Tldr; my (34F) ex (37M) is stalking me on social media

  1. We, the collective internet, can’t guess why he is doing it. Block him and move on, it doesn’t mean anything.

  2. >A couple of weeks after that he re-adds me. I asked him why he wanted that and he said he wanted to be friends. I thought to myself- it would look petty to decline it. I didn’t follow him back.

    Who gives a furry squirrel if he thought it would be petty for you to ignore his request? You really shouldn’t make decisions based on what he or anyone else might think. You have to do what is best for **you**.

    He’s probably following you and commenting on your Instagram stuff bc he’s bored or hoping to string you along. Exes have a way of doing that.

    Instead of spending your time wondering why he’s doing what he’s doing, you should block his access from you (all social media, too) and move on with your life.

    This guy slept with you, then said “lol! That was a mistake! I’m going to this other girl I met” and left you. You need to leave him behind just as easily.

  3. A girl shouldn’t have to chase for commitment, TBF sounds like he has options and very much wants to keep them open.

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