Obligatory social events that is ^^ ex/ hosting or being at a party, your SO has friends over, you’ve had a lot of social events occur in the week, etc

  1. I’ve gotten better at leaving functions early. I used to feel awkward, but if I’ve socialized for an hour or two and I’m drained, I say my goodbyes and go home to recharge. Sometimes people seem surprised, but no one ever cares that much

  2. I don’t really deal with it tbh. If I’m in the middle of a social situation and my battery is wearing down, I start to get a lot quieter, don’t participate in conversation as much, and just hang around until it’s over. If there’s a way out, that’s socially acceptable, I’ll get out, but otherwise I just stay and get silently worn out.

  3. I used to leave in the middle of it cause I wasn’t feeling it at all or just being quiet bc of no energy but with time I learned to manage it differently, I try to find something that interests me that much so my social battery can be recharged a bit for example talking about something insightful or new with this group of people you just met or if you’re with your friends/a group of people you already know try to talk about something that interests you or you have in common, anything random but it manages to keep you there

  4. I had a full weekend of socialising just gone – it was a hen party at a big house filled 28 other women. Some I knew and some I didn’t. When I felt like I needed a moment I just took myself away and read a book for a while. Recharged and then joined in the conversation again when I wanted to.

  5. I try to get away from people and avoid talking, cause I can get unpleasant. If I have the option to leave, I’ll leave. I’ve always done this, even as a child.

    My mom would say when she noticed my sudden mood change “She popped” meaning it’s time to go.

  6. Going to other people’s houses- finding the dog or cat that lives there. Hosting- stay in kitchen… make cocktails for everyone and talk about food with whoever wanders in.

  7. if i can’t get away any time soon i like to go hide in a bathroom for about 10 minnutes, there i can play some games on my phone, or listen to some music, and when i feel redy ig go back out.

  8. I always make sure I drive to a social function. That way, I am in control of when I go home (I am a teetotaler, so drinking and driving is never a risk). Usually there are one or two introverts who take the opportunity to catch a ride home because they are spent too.

    Having animals or caring for people’s animals is a godsend. When I used to care for a local’s farm and horses when they were away on vacation in the winter, it was a get out of socialization free card. “I gotta get home to check the waterbowls.. the south waterbowl has been freezing up at the drop of a hat lately and it is minus 30, can’t leave the animals without water!” So not only would I get to leave early, I would get to go home and spend some time with the animals to unwind.

  9. Simple. I don’t. It’s okay to go out of your comfort zone once in awhile but if I simply don’t feel like it, I won’t force anything. My partner is also understanding, which helps.

    Edit: It’s OKAY to say no.

  10. Understand what your own needs are and meet them. Have boundaries and communicate to your SO know what they are. Such as that you will only spend 1 hour with them or that you have social events that week and that your SO spend time with them instead as they are friends of your SO.

    For a party if it is a group setting I usually find a person who is more calm and wants to talk one on one. Feels less draining than talking to 5 different people at once. If there is a place at the party that is more quieter go there. You can also just leave.

    Also remember you can always say no. There is no obligation. Otherwise you’re just people pleasing.

  11. I’ve gotten good at just listening to other peoples conversations instead of participating myself. Also bouncing from group to group if there’s enough people. That way I’m still showing interest in the group, but not expending any energy myself. Also like to find an outdoor area to take a break or go into the bathroom if I feel like I need to step away. Sometimes taking consistent breaks to step away keeps me going until it’s an appropriate time to go home.

  12. I try my best to deal with it. Then I retreat to the kitchen and help the host clean. Then if I’m still forced to be there I just find a corner and become the antisocial hermit sitting on my phone ignoring people and becoming increasingly cranky.

  13. I’m just quiet and wallflower, or stay close to people I’m already very comfortable around and just tag along to minimize how much energy I have to use socializing.

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