Backgrund im a 22 year old guy and met a 23 year old girl. Im still studying and she is already working. It’s only been around 2 months. Also I’ve only dated one girl before and I’m shy and inexperienced which is why I used bumble. While she has dated a few people already.

So I met this girl through bumble and went on a date with her. First date went alright found her to be a nice person and we shared some similarities. Second date we went to a bar and hooked up afterwards. Ive never actually hooked up so fast id usually wait till she becomes my girlfriend but she initiated and i sort of got pressured by myself to do it. actually kinda regret i did this. Third date a week later, after eating she suddenly got confrontational and told me I had some options. Either to date her, be friends with benefits or stop seeing her. I was kinda shocked by this since she didn’t exhibit this type of behaviour before and I felt that it was kinda fast. I need to get to know a person better before I form a relationship with them. Also we were outside so I didn’t want to cause a scene.

I then just told her maybe I can date you (note I suck at saying no). And i remember my friends keep telling me to just give her a shot so I did. I actually felt a bit scared cuz her tone was so different from before and felt very authoritative.

So next time I see her she had some drinks beforehand and we were walking down the street. She suddenly starts talking to me really loudly and asking me if I think she is pretty or if I love her. She also starts playing with her coffee cup and starts wiping her coffee on my hoodie which I was not okay with. I told her I’ll give you a tissue and she suddenly gets irritated and starts asking me if I think she is dirty. I didn’t like that people started looking at us so I just let her wipe it on my hoodie but was actually very annoyed by this. We had dinner and I went home afterwards.

So now I’m thinking I don’t think it will work out since my personality Is more conservative compared to hers. Should I just stop seeing her or do I try to tell her and hopefully she changes? Also I’m worried how she might react if I do break up with her.

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