Let’s just say you liked wrestling or or say a musical artist like the Bee Gees but now just don’t like these things anymore

  1. For me it was a certain anime show, now watching it I just don’t like it. I spent hundreds of dollars collecting merch on it.I also used to really like the show Once Upon a time.. I was addicted but I could never watch it again. It got worse and worse and they killed off a character I liked and that made it die inside the show for me.

    I also used to really like the comic series W.I.T.C.H as a kid but as an adult I find the characters not able to be liked at all by me.I used to really like Sabrina the teenage witch as a kid but after watching 11 episodes as an adult I just find it cheesey and awful.I also used to have an ABBA addiction. While I don’t hate the music now I don’t feel the same way towards them anymore due to overlistening to the songs.

    winx club is also another. While I’m super nostalgic for it I can’t sit through a few episodes now. The cattiness and over sexualisation and dub changes, the voice acting of other dubs I don’t like… just can’t like it like I did when I was 12/13 (I did like it a lot as a young adult too but now nearing 30 I have changed)

    romantic period dramas. I can’t see the fascination with them anymore, I was super addicted. Just can’t see the awful horse carriage abuse and incest in some of them And also these days the amount of sex scenes

  2. I used to be really turned on by older men. I thought the age difference was hot. I realllllly don’t like it anymore.

  3. I used to like dressing up a lot when I was a kid but now I don’t anymore.

    I wanted to grow up soon, get a good job and marry by the age of 21 but now that I’ve entered adulthood, I don’t like it anymore.

  4. White bread. There was a time I couldn’t eat wheat bread and now I don’t want white bread. Just don’t like it.

  5. Make up. More specifically wearing alot of Make up. I’m 25 and i was part of that era where I would watch make up gurus and would constantly fantasize about owing 100+ palettes and having the Alexa draws. When I started working at 19 and had my first credit card. All I ever did was buy make up after make up after make up. Packages were constantly arriving at my house. Now that I’ve gotten older,I don’t consume as much as I used to. I’ve decluttered alot during quarantine and now I only buy what I need. I still enjoy make up don’t get me wrong. I just don’t spend hundreds of dollars on shit that’s just gonna sit in my draw

  6. I used to drink a lot of fizzy flavored water and diet soda. It gave me horrible headaches and kidney issues so I switched to drinking tea, water, and occasionally stevia.

  7. I used to watch horror movies with a lot of gore. I don’t know how I used to watch that stuff.

  8. Nail polish and the whole…cool nails thing. I used to do a lot of nail art in high school and college days!

    I’ll paint my nails now at max like, once a year. The action of just sitting there waiting for my nails to dry now feels like hell.

  9. Alcohol. I drank a little too much around 13-16. Now I’m 19 (legal where I live) and have no interest. Drank pretty often for the first month after my birthday, and no I just can’t

  10. Shopping for clothes, shoes, bags etc. It just doesn’t excite me at all anymore. Im content with my wardrobe for all seasons. It’s been years since I’ve shopped and i still have items I’ve never worn with tags. I also have items I bought 20 years ago that have stood the test of time. The thought of going into a mall or T.J. Maxx to add stuff to my closet almost makes me sick to my stomach.

    I tried minimizing by selling on Poshmark months ago. Got a bunch of followers and likes on my stuff but no buyers so I deleted it.

  11. I use to like spending a lot of time with my significant other but, once I got into a long distance relationship it changed the way I valued my alone time. Now all I wanna do is be alone lmao

  12. I used to be a really sheltered privileged girl but now I am more humble. Materialistic shit doesn’t appeal to me anymore god I used to be so shallow 🤦🏼‍♀️

  13. I feel like a lot of teen shows are marketed towards this or aimed directly at this, but I used to find the idea of toxic, or emotionally turbulent men attractive which was probably a factor in my first serious relationship and how emotionally abusive it was.

    Eg. The on again off again and the rapidly extreme behaviour, unpredictability and almost love bombing and then extreme coolness

    I have since recognised this and have grown from it, but I cant rewatch these shows again.

    Some specific examles include: Damon salvatore and Klaus from TVD, edwards from twilight, ross from friends, riverdale archie and veronica

  14. Everything in a sense. I used to love so many games, shows, activities- but now I just don’t like any of it. I don’t really like anything 🤷it be the depression

  15. Once I’m interested in something, I dive deep and become kind of obsessed (not in a unhealthy way) and I want to know everything about that topic. I can talk about it for hours and search for new information.

    Usually music has been that topic for me. So I find an artist that I like, and then after liking that artist for years, I kind of become bored or my taste changes. Not that I can’t listen to songs of that artist anymore, but I usually find another artist that becomes my new interest.

  16. I used to be really into anime, but the shows and genres all just got too repetitive. I still watch some things from time to time, but no longer really think of myself as a fan in general.

  17. Foundation. I used to be obsessed with finding the perfect foundation for my skin, I would watch so many makeup reviews and spend so much at sephora on products I was never satisfied with. It was because I dealt with lifelong acne and was super insecure. Eventually I went on Accutane and in a few months my skin was beautiful and I stopped wearing makeup, it felt so freeing. I now only wear it maybe a couple times a year if I find an occasion.

  18. Dining out at restaurants lol. Now I think it’s too expensive and rather have take out.

  19. Porn, but being in a relationship with a PA has turned me completely off to it

  20. Wearing clothing other than oversized hoodies, social anxiety ruined it so bad and my oversized hoodies give me comfort

  21. Used to live and breathe music videos. Couldn’t wait to see every one that came on TV. Now I couldn’t care less about music videos. I just listen to the song.

  22. Dairy.

    Realised it was causing most of my acne and making me slightly sick.

    I cut it 100% of my diet and I’ve never felt better, my skin is 1000 times better.

    And I feel better about myself, the dairy industry is horrible. I worked full-time in barns next to two different dairy farms, I know exactly what goes on.

  23. Woodwork. My Ex ruined it for me and now I only ever do it to help my mum.

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