We’ve been dating and recently I’ve pushed her away a bit because she was pretty clingy. I don’t know and didn’t know before if I liked her and I’ve never dated anyone before. How do I know? What does romantic attraction feel like?

  1. Everyone’s different, but if there is proper chemistry then both parties tend to want to hang out as much as possible in the beginning. ‘Honeymoon period’ and all that.

    If you’ve just started dating recently and you already find her clingy/annoying, my guess is that you’re probably more into the idea of having a girlfriend rather than having her as your girlfriend.

    Chemistry doesn’t always happen immediately so feel free to give it some time to see if it changes, but be careful about not leading her on unnecessarily.

  2. If you want to be with her more than you want to avoid her, that’s a (weak) form of liking.

    If you would sacrifice something you value for her sake with no expectation of return, that’s a (moderate) form of liking.

    If you’d give her your lunch and go hungry for her comfort, you’re getting into the realm of seriously liking her.

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