I love a good eggs benny with runny yolk soaking into my bread but I’ve met some people online who seem horrified by ‘raw eggs’ – is this a cultural thing?

Otherwise, what’s your favourite breakfast item?

  1. I love all egg preparations including runny eggs. Delicious! So good to dredge some toast through the remnants.

  2. NAY! I hate runny eggs. I have eggs most mornings though, I just prefer them well cooked.

    EDIT: As for culture, well my Grandad did enjoy eating raw eggs right out of the shell.

  3. Runny eggs? Hell yeah. Nothing better than a fried egg that’s a little runny.

  4. I don’t like runny eggs but I also prefer my s rambled eggs scrambled hard and my omelette extra firm.

  5. For some people, yeah, but tons of people have no problem with runny yolks, just like with steak.

  6. NAY. I’m really picky about texture, and I don’t like the texture of runny eggs.

  7. Runny eggs if the yolk is hard I won’t touch it. My favorite breakfast item would be bacon with french toast with coconut syrup coming in a close second.

  8. I was born in 1988. Growing up I never had a runny yolk in any context. It would’ve been considered “raw” and “dangerous.” Fast forward to now and almost every egg I have is either soft boiled or sunny side up.

  9. I prefer my eggs over medium, so still with some runny yolk but nice solid whites. Egg whites that aren’t cooked all the way through kind of turn my stomach.

  10. I love runny eggs. I think they pair perfectly with a greasy-spoon diner breakfast. However, I know plenty of people who hate it. It’s just personal preference.

  11. I love runny eggs. I get my eggs locally or from my neighbor with BYCs. so good.

  12. I like my eggs sunny side up or over easy. The runny yolk is fanatic on a breakfast sandwhich or for dipping my toast in.

  13. Depends what I’m eating it with.

    A runny sunny side up egg over hot steamed rice is fantastic. I really like to make pad gra prow and put an egg on the rice. Or five spice roasted chicken with hoisin sauce. Rice, an egg, and some leftover meat with hoisin is a not uncommon breakfast for me.

    But if it’s with toast, I don’t really like runny eggs, would rather have them softly scrambled.

    Edit: or for a sandwich, a broken yolk fried egg

  14. Nay. I don’t hate eggs over easy, but for me the sweet spot is somewhere between over medium and over hard.

  15. I’m not a big fan of really runny eggs, I prefer over medium, but anyone who’s afraid of sunny-side up because of the “raw eggs” is a lunatic.

  16. Yea. Smoked a brisket Memorial Day Weekend and had brisket and eggs for a couple breakfasts and dinners. Runny yolk there is a must.

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