How do you handle such a situation and what do you tell them?

  1. My friends don’t do that. If they did, I’d tell them “please don’t touch me, it makes me uncomfortable.”

  2. Voice my boundaries and what I don’t like (“hey I’m not comfortable with physical intimacy and touch unless it’s with my partner, I hope you understand”). If they don’t respect those, they’re not my friends, regardless of sex/gender.

  3. You need to tell them that they’re making you uncomfortable and you don’t want them touching you. They aren’t mind readers. However, if you’ve told them already and they still do it, kick them to the curb. Don’t let them step over your boundaries.

  4. Since most of them have been my friends since elementary/middle school(we are all in our late 50s-early 60s), I tell them to knock it off. There’s one that thinks a high pony tail gives him license to act like a grade schooler but he knows that he will get popped for it.

  5. None of my male friends have ever made me uncomfortable in this way. I am a touchy feely person though and I am not uncomfortable if they were to say give me a shoulder massage or run their hands across my back.

  6. IF i had any friends who did this, ild tell them to remove their hand or lose it. And then forcefully remove their hand if they dont listen.

  7. I’m gay af and everyone knows, if a guy (cis or trans doesnt matter) touches me in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable I’d probably be like what the fuck dude and tell them off

    If a woman touches me in a way that makes me uncomfortable I’d tell her off too

    No one gets a free pass at being a creep

  8. They don’t? If I like them, they can touch me appropriately and they won’t be the kind of person who touches me inappropriately. If I don’t like them, they aren’t my friends.

    Also why would my reaction be different than if my non-cisgender or non-male friends touched me inappropriately?

  9. Avoid being around them ever again. I’m a comfy touchy huggy person, so if it’s bad enough to make me uncomfy they need to not be in my life. Only ever happened twice.

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