So I matched with this woman, we’ve chatted for about a week. But she took 1-2 days to reply…I get we have stuff going on but I lost interest

Honestly after the 3rd day I realized this was a waste so I would only reply if she did and wouldn’t try to pursue. I also matched with other women whom I’ve been on dates with

She replied and I honestly forgot to reply & didn’t see replying to her when I remember as worth my energy so I left it alone

The next day she sends me a small passive text expressing her annoyance on not replying to her but how am I the bad guy if SHE DID THE SAME THING MULTIPLE DAYS 😅

I wasn’t trying to play any head games I really just didn’t care

But please someone…make it make sense

  1. Cut loss and move on. if ur dont see anythting happening just be honest and let it go

  2. She’s probably not worth your time. Dating has made me realize how damaged people are. Not that I’m perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but jfc public health stats are not wrong when they estimate that only 17% of Americans are mentally sound.

  3. Healthy relationships are based on open and honest communication between mature consenting adults who treat each other with respect and share common interests and compatible life goals.

    Do that.

    If the other person doesn’t do that, ghost them.

  4. Psychology enthusiast here: (not professional!)
    It sounds like there was an unspoken power dynamic that you shifted back by giving her the same treatment. For her, it was a margin of control knowing that regardless of her actions you will reply back much more promptly. When that component was shattered, she questioned her authority.

    It sounds like she was gaining validation from you and wouldn’t perceive you as an equal. Unless you have a kink for feeding into a dom-sub entanglement, this is not a natural dynamic to have

  5. With a average typer it usually takes a person 5-10 seconds to send a small message. If she doesnt have 5-10 seconds to spare for you during 24 hours, nah sorry bro go find someone else who doesn’t waste your time 🙂

  6. Lose this womans number. If she wants bad enough, she will apologize for that text (highly unlikely) and find a way to make it work (doubt it). She’s applying a double standard over something nearly inconsequential. The only consequence is her showing her lack of interest/gumption to put forth an effort. Therefor she doesn’t deserve you even if she does want/like you. You don’t deserve to be the unlucky guy she calls boyfriend either.

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