What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever cried about?

  1. My dad was eating cereal too loudly😭 The sound of him crunching angers me to the point of tears

  2. My chemical romance got together I cried like a fucking baby, my chemical romance announced concerts I cried like a fucking baby, my chemical romance released a new song and you bet ya…. Cried like a fucking baby.

    Send help.

  3. false summit that i already knew was coming. i’d just been hiking up… for so long

  4. My husband took off my sock when I was pregnant. I bawled hysterically. Dumbest cry ever.

  5. When I received a notification that my new macbook was going to be delayed by one business day

  6. I saw a turtle run over in the road and that just broke me for the day.

  7. Not being able to taste my Snickerdoodle cookies while being on my period and sick with covid.

    I could still smell them and I wanted something sweet. 😭

  8. Over someone who never gave a shit about me in the first place 💀

  9. My cornbread fell apart when I was trying to take it out of the pan. Legitimately.

  10. I couldn’t open a Tylenol bottle when I really needed a Tylenol. Soft cried in frustration for 3 minutes but I still had a fever so I had to try again. Finally got the stupid thing open. I usually don’t cry like that but that’s the sickest I had been in a while and I didn’t have the emotional or mental bandwidth to cope with frustration in that moment.

  11. I saw this short film where an old woman got a robot after being alone for so long. She was missing her son but he never showed up. Anyway she died and the robot that was so attached to her eventually died too because it didn’t have batteries. I BAWLED. It was a cartoon and I was crying over a robot that had no batteries

  12. After giving guest lecture at a university, I looked at the student evaluations and 20% of the students said they wouldn’t want me to lecture them again. The reason most of them didn’t want me to return was because I didn’t point out what they needed to focus on for the final exam. I broke down and cried after looking at those evals, even though 80% of the students said they would want me to return.

  13. Sad tears – when my belt loop got caught on the cupboard handle after a bad day. The several times that happened.

    Happy tears – I was PMS-ing and craving a brownie for days. After buying said brownie I sat in my living room and cried as I ate it. My period be like that sometimes.

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