How would you react if your partner came over and started bawling her eyes out in front of you because they think they are ugly?

  1. You need to seek help. Not everybody is equipped or obligated to deal with your condition. You’re lucky if you meet somebody who’s willing to work with you and your condition. But you need to do your part and seek professional help. Otherwise you are risking destroying relationships or falling into manipulative ones. Crying over the idea that you think you’re ugly sounds like something a pre-teen would be more concerned with.

  2. Tell her to be stop being stupid….and probably let her feel the boner she’s giving me 😂

  3. If it were a one time thing, talk to her and get her to realize I like her for who she is and I picked her. If this became a thing that happened more than once, I’m not interested in coddling someone every time they don’t like their appearance. I’m not a fan of emotions and crying, so I don’t handle it well to begin with, so if it were a routine thing then I’m out.

  4. “Are you drunk? You’re literally the most beautiful person I have ever met.”

    Fortunately, I don’t even have to lie 🙂

  5. I’d fucking laugh because of how ridiculous that is. I know she has insecurities, particularly about her weight, but she’s genuinely very strikingly beautiful. I’d probably then realise that laughing wasn’t the best choice and comfort her, just reassure her that she’s hot as fuck.

  6. Bend her over and make her feel pretty, then take her to get chicken wings afterwards.

  7. Hug, ask what happened, destroy the illusion as much as i know how to do it with you, once you’ve calmed down à bit tell you i love you hug you again, give you comfort with the hug, tell you i love you, makes you laugh, insert in the discussion that im attracted to you and want you and love you, and depending on how you are sexually, take your pants off and eat your pussy until you come.
    If you are not that kind of sexual being, keep the subject on something else make you laugh, take care of you, do what you like the most, and at some point get back to it if need be.
    Something like that.

  8. I’ll tell her I don’t care that she’s ugly. I ain’t gone lie she ugly.

  9. Honestly, that’s kind of annoying and childish. But I love the woman so I’d offer some love and empathy.

  10. Honestly, that’s kind of annoying and childish. But I love the woman so I’d offer some love and empathy.

  11. I’d buy her some chocolate and give her a blanket, pillow, and watch Netflix with her while I didnt do anything remotely sexual or flirty.

    She’s likely about to start her period, and a bit of pampering (and chocolate) can go a long way to making her feel good again.

    Source: I’m twice married, have 2 daughters, and know the signs. Women don’t just cry because they think they’re suddenly ugly. They cry/act out when they become hormonal and pick a reason, (any reason) to feel sorry/bad about themselves.

    Tomorrow will be another (a better) day. Just make it through the immediate hormone battle and you’ll/she’ll be fine.

  12. I want to be a good person and say I would reassure them immediately and of course show empathy during that process but fuck I would be so resentful that they came up to me in such a goddamn dramatic way. It’s absolutely unnecessary to approach someone like that.

    It would actually startled me. It might actually make me look at them a little bit differently because of how they handle internal conflicts within themselves

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