What is a good way of thinking about rejection when it happens so it doesn’t affect you much?

  1. it honestly helps if your pragmatic about it from the beginning and not allow it to progress to the point where it will hurt so much.

    for example what i usually did was be straight up with girls and tell them that the only thing i might be interested with them was something long term (not as creepy though) and if they dont show any interest in it after a little while i would just cut my losses.

    basically if she doesnt show any interest in actually getting to know each other or spending time together i start treating them the same way and that saves me grief and im able to focus on someone worthwhile.

    as a general rule dont try with someone who isnt trying back.

  2. Rejection is like ripping off the band-aid. It hurts for a few seconds and then it fades. Getting paralyzed by fear of rejection is a sunburn that lasts forever. You’ll regret all of the shots you never took. You won’t regret trying and failing.

    Rejection also lets you know that maybe you aren’t all that you think you are. A painful lesson for sure but necessary for growth.

  3. Focus on what you did that was scary or out of your comfort zone and praise yourself for that.

    All experiences are growth experience if you’re willing to acknowledge the lesson.

  4. I guess, you’ve been rejected by one person on a planet that has just ticked above 7.9 billion people. 7,899,999,999 people haven’t rejected you. Just one person has. That’s not too bad.

  5. Oh well when I’m ridding around in my dream car she’s gonna wish she was in the seat next to me

  6. Everyone has different tastes. Like there are some famous people that are considered super hot by many people that I find completely ugly and would never bang. So if someone rejects you, it doesn’t say anything about you, it just means you weren’t to that person’s personal tastes. Literally nobody is attractive to everybody.

  7. Dodging a bullet, because the type of women I typically get are completely fucking insane and I’m beyond blessed to have the one I currently have. I wouldn’t be anywhere good in my life if I was still with the last 5 or 6 women I had flings with before her. The future is always a surprise and your dreams are right around that corner. Just be patient.

  8. Part of the game, be glad it happened now rather than down the road in another form. Forget and keep on trucking.

  9. You only understand rejection once you reject enough people , its not about looks , status or w.e , maybe ur just not in the mood , it brings bad memories , u saw said person being very rude to someone lots of random reasons you should never bother

  10. I don’t like how the question is worded bc you don’t need to “think about rejection a certain way so it doesn’t affect you”

    You need to *know* rejection means nothing. Believe me when I tell you that my dating history–the positive highlights–would make most men jealous. All my exes are extremely conventionally attractive with good personalities and they really liked me. I’ve also had some ‘casual fun’ with quite a few women of similar caliber, threesomes, etc.

    But hey, guess what? The amount of rejections I’ve had to get to that would make most men squirm. So why was I even able to get all those girls? Because I shoot my fucking shot lol. No shame. I just don’t see rejection like that. It’s not about you, it’s about *you in relation to what she wants*. Maybe she’s an old man gold-digger and you’re young and attractive. Maybe she’s aiming for young attractive men and you’re a rich old man. Maybe–lots of other alternatives. It really doesn’t matter what it is.

    You put in the work to becoming attractive and ask out enough girls and you’ll get ones that are highly desirable and people will be jealous and wonder how you did it. Think about the end-result, not the path. Worrying about rejection and letting that stop you is like worrying about failing school so you don’t attend. Or worrying about guys in the gym being bigger than you so you don’t go. But those things help you. Trust me no one will remember the time the girl in the bar said no to you it is so vastly unremarkable. *Everyone* will remember all the times you *did* get the girl. Rejection is literally meaningless

  11. You charge the L to the game and bite the bullet. If it didn’t work at first, oh well. Remember that while you’re looking for the one, there are hundreds of thousands in “happy” relationships getting cheated on right now. It’s better to be rejected, single, and trying than to be one of them.

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